Category: Angels and Demons

Angels and Demons Basics on Angels and Demons Christianity-QA

Is there an angel named Phanuel in the Bible?

The Bible gives the names of two of God’s holy angels: Gabriel and Michael. We have no other names beyond those two. There is a man named Phanuel (Luke 2:36), but no angel named Phanuel in the Bible. We can attribute the idea that an angel named Phanuel exists to his mention in the apocryphal…

Angels and Demons Basics on Angels and Demons Christianity-QA

What is the divine council?

Psalm 89:5–7 says, “The heavens praise your wonders, LORD, your faithfulness too, in the assembly of the holy ones. For who in the skies above can compare with the LORD? Who is like the LORD among the heavenly beings? In the council of the holy ones God is greatly feared; he is more awesome than…

Angels and Demons Basics on Angels and Demons Christianity-QA

Was Goliath one of the Nephilim?

Who and what the Nephilim were is up for debate. Before the flood, there were Nephilim that were the offspring of “the sons of God” and “the daughters of men” (see Genesis 6:1–4). The meaning of this passage is disputed. Regardless of their specific “DNA,” it seems that the Nephilim were extraordinary. All of them…

Angels and Demons Basics on Angels and Demons Christianity-QA

Who or what is Mastema?

Mastema, also known as Mastemat or Mansemat, is the name of the devil, or a high-ranking demon, in the Book of Jubilees. Mastema, who is one and the same with Satan, is said to have directly opposed Noah, Abraham, and Moses. Jubilees is an apocryphal Jewish work found among the Dead Sea Scrolls near Qumran,…

Angels and Demons Christianity-QA Demons

How can demonic strongholds be overcome?

Before demonic strongholds can be overcome, we should understand exactly what demonic strongholds are. The word stronghold appears only once in the New Testament (2 Corinthians 10:4), and the Greek word translated “stronghold” means “a fortification such as a castle.” In this passage, the apostle Paul is instructing the church at Corinth on how to…

Angels Angels and Demons Christianity-QA

How did Satan and other angels sin if heaven is sinless?

The Bible teaches that Satan was created in perfection and given a prominent position in heaven (Ezekiel 28:11–15). He was “full of wisdom and perfect in beauty” (verse 12). God appointed him the highest-ranking angel. From his place of great privilege, Satan led possibly one third of heaven’s angels in a rebellion against God (Ezekiel…

Angels and Demons Christianity-QA Demons

Can a Christian be demon possessed?

While the Bible does not explicitly state whether a Christian can be possessed by a demon, related biblical truths make it abundantly clear that Christians cannot be demon possessed. There is a distinct difference between being possessed by a demon and being oppressed or influenced by a demon. Demon possession involves a demon having direct/complete…

Angels Angels and Demons Christianity-QA

What is the hierarchy of angels?

Some branches of Christian theology have proposed a 9-level hierarchy of angels as follows: • Highest/First Order: Seraphim Cherubim Thrones • Middle/Second Order: Dominions Virtues Powers • Lowest/Third Order: Principalities Archangels Angels The difficulty is that the Bible identifies no such hierarchy of angels. In the Bible we see that there could be different kinds…

Angels and Demons Christianity-QA Satan

Did God create Satan?

God has created everything that ever has been, is, or will be (John 1:3). This includes physical beings and matter as well as spiritual beings (Colossians 1:15–17). The only person who has the power of being in and of Himself—meaning He has no beginning or ending—and is self-existent is God (Exodus 3:14). All other beings…

Angels and Demons Basics on Angels and Demons Christianity-QA

What are principalities and powers?

The phrase principalities and powers occurs six times in the Bible, always in the King James Version and its derivatives (NKJV, MKJV). Other versions translate it variously as “rulers and authorities,” “forces and authorities,” and “rulers and powers.” In most places where the phrase appears, the contexts make it clear that it refers to the…

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