Category: Apologetics and Unbelievers

Apologetics Apologetics and Unbelievers Christianity-QA

Why are there so many atheists?

Before we can discuss atheism, we need to define it. According to an official atheism website, atheists define themselves this way: “Atheism is not a disbelief in gods or a denial of gods; it is a lack of belief in gods.” Those who identify as atheists prefer to emphasize their lack of belief rather than…

Apologetics Apologetics and Unbelievers Christianity-QA

What is Russell’s teapot?

British mathematician, philosopher, and atheist Bertrand Russell proposed his teapot analogy as a way of explaining where the burden of proof lies, particularly in debates about religion. Russell’s teapot is also known as the celestial teapot or the cosmic teapot. In the teapot analogy, Russell asks to us to imagine a man claiming that there…

Apologetics Apologetics and Unbelievers Christianity-QA

Why does unbelief appear to be increasing in the world today?

Studies show that unbelief is indeed on the rise these days. We are living in increasingly secular times, and, unfortunately, those who do not believe in the truth of Scripture often seem to have the loudest voices in the public domain. Skeptics are becoming bolder and more vocal, and their influence is seen in education,…

Apologetics Apologetics and Unbelievers Christianity-QA

Is belief in God a virus?

Among the ranks of evolutionary scientists are those who teach the idea of “evolutionary psychology,” an attempt to explain all of life through the Darwinian principle of “survival of the fittest.” One of the more interesting metaphors to come out of this endeavor is an analogy comparing the transfer of information and the spread of…

Apologetics Apologetics and Unbelievers Christianity-QA

What is the meaning of, “The fool says in his heart, ‘There is no God’” (Psalm 14:1; 53:1)?

Both Psalm 14:1 and Psalm 53:1 read, “The fool says in his heart, ‘There is no God.’” Some take these verses to mean that atheists are stupid, i.e., lacking intelligence. However, that is not the only meaning of the Hebrew word translated “fool.” In this text, the Hebrew word is nabal, which often refers to…

Apologetics Apologetics and Unbelievers Christianity-QA

Is faith in God religulous?

In his 2008 film “Religulous,” Bill Maher makes the argument that belief in God is ridiculous. The term “religulous” is a combination of the words “religion” and “ridiculous.” Maher’s main goal with the film seems to be to convince people that religion is responsible for most of the evil in the world, and that we…

Apologetics Apologetics and Unbelievers Christianity-QA

Did God sacrifice Himself to Himself to save us from Himself because of a rule He made Himself?

Some claim that God essentially saves us from His wrath by sacrificing Himself solely to satisfy a rule that He created in the first place. They then ask, why make the rule? Why not lay aside wrath without a sacrifice? And how does it make sense to sacrifice Himself to Himself? These are good questions,…

Apologetics Apologetics and Unbelievers Christianity-QA

What is an infidel?

The word infidel simply means “without faith” or “against faith.” An infidel is a person who rejects religion. More famously, though, the term infidel has been connected to a website that attacks the Christian faith – Internet Infidels, which also goes by the name Secular Web, is one of the principal websites for atheists…

Apologetics Apologetics and Unbelievers Christianity-QA

What is religious addiction?

In the past seventy-five years, two prominent books have been published on religious addiction, which some call “the “God Drug.” Father Leo Booth wrote When God Becomes a Drug back in 1946. In that book, he likened religious belief to poison in one’s life, in the same manner as a drug is to the body—both…

Apologetics Apologetics and Unbelievers Christianity-QA

Should Christians try to evangelize atheists?

As Christians who know the love of God and have the assurance of eternity in heaven, it’s hard to understand why anyone would want to be an atheist. But when we realize the sin nature and its strong influence on the mind and the heart, we begin to understand where the atheist is coming from.…

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