Category: Believing the Bible

Believing the Bible Bible Christianity-QA

What does it mean that the Bible is God-breathed?

In 2 Timothy 3:16, Paul states, “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness.” This is the only use in the Bible of the Greek word theopneustos, which means “God-breathed, inspired by God, due to the inspiration of God,” but other scriptural passages support the basic premise of…

Believing the Bible Bible Christianity-QA

What is the dictation theory?

The dictation theory (sometimes called the mechanical dictation theory) attempts to describe what it means that the Bible is God’s Word. When people claim that the Bible is the Word of God, they are generally referring to the concept known as the inspiration of the Bible. This belief about the Bible comes from 2 Timothy…

Believing the Bible Bible Christianity-QA

Do I have to believe the Bible is inerrant to be saved?

We are not saved by believing in the inspiration or inerrancy of the Bible. We are saved by believing in the Lord Jesus Christ as our Savior from sin (John 3:16; Ephesians 2:8–9; Romans 10:9–10). At the same time, though, it is only through the Bible that we learn about Jesus Christ and His death…

Believing the Bible Bible Christianity-QA

Is the Bible reliable?

Using the same criteria by which we judge other historical works, not only is the Bible reliable, it is more reliable than any other comparable writings. Reliability is a question of truthfulness and accurate copying. Writings that are historically and factually correct and that have been faithfully preserved over time would be considered reliable. Higher…

Believing the Bible Bible Christianity-QA

Does the Bible contain errors, contradictions, or discrepancies?

If we read the Bible at face value, without a preconceived bias for finding errors, we will find it to be a coherent, consistent, and relatively easy-to-understand book. Yes, there are difficult passages. Yes, there are verses that appear to contradict each other. We must remember that the Bible was written by approximately 40 different…

Believing the Bible Bible Christianity-QA

Why should I believe the Bible?

The Bible makes claims about the creation of the universe, the nature of the God who created the universe and reigns supremely over it, and the fate of mankind. If these claims are true, then the Bible is the most important book in the history of mankind. If the Bible is true, then it holds…

Believing the Bible Bible Christianity-QA

Is the Bible truly God’s Word?

Our answer to this question will not only determine how we view the Bible and its importance to our lives, but it will also have an eternal impact on us. If the Bible is truly God’s Word, then we should cherish it, study it, obey it, and fully trust it. If the Bible is truly…

Believing the Bible Bible Christianity-QA

What is the Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy?

In October 1978 the International Council on Biblical Inerrancy (ICBI) sponsored a conference in which several hundred Christians representing forty-one churches and thirty-eight Christian denominations met to study, pray, and deliberate over an essential doctrinal issue: the inerrancy of Scripture. The delegates formulated the Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy. Over 300 Evangelicals, including John F.…

Believing the Bible Bible Christianity-QA

What is tota scriptura?

Tota Scriptura and its companion phrase sola Scriptura are ways of stating a belief in the inspiration, authority, and completeness of God’s Word, the Bible. When someone lays claim to sola Scriptura (“Scripture alone”), he is stating that the Bible is the one-and-only rule for faith and practice, apart from tradition or any other human…

Believing the Bible Bible Christianity-QA

What are the different theories of biblical inspiration?

The doctrine of inspiration is the teaching that the Bible is God-breathed and is therefore our infallible rule for faith and practice. If the Bible is simply the work of the human imagination, then there is no compelling reason to follow its doctrines and moral guidelines. The Bible itself makes the bold claim to be…

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