Category: Believing the Bible

Believing the Bible Bible Christianity-QA

What is a Biblicist? What is Biblicism?

The term Biblicism is sometimes cast as an aspersion against those who interpret the Bible literally or who hold to the doctrine of sola scriptura. A Biblicist, as commonly defined, is someone who uses the Bible—and only the Bible—for his authority and source of knowledge, blindly holding to the Bible to guide him through every…

Believing the Bible Bible Christianity-QA

Is the doctrine of preservation biblical?

The doctrine of preservation in regard to Scripture means that the Lord has kept His Word intact as to its original meaning. Preservation simply means that we can trust the Scriptures because God has sovereignly overseen the process of transmission over the centuries. At the same time, we must also be aware that we do…

Believing the Bible Bible Christianity-QA

What is the doctrine of the sufficiency of Scripture?

The doctrine of the sufficiency of Scripture is a fundamental tenet of the Christian faith. To say the Scriptures are sufficient means that the Bible is all we need to equip us for a life of faith and service. It provides a clear demonstration of God’s intention to restore the broken relationship between Himself and…

Believing the Bible Bible Christianity-QA

Is questioning the Bible wrong?

Honest questions are rarely wrong, but the tone and the timing can be. God welcomed sincere questions from His servants when they were born out of a desire to please Him (Luke 1:34–38; Judges 6:12–18). So the answer to this question depends upon what is meant by “questioning the Bible.” If “questioning the Bible” means…

Believing the Bible Bible Christianity-QA

Why should I trust the Bible?

We all trust in something. Even the most skeptical among us exercises complete trust in many things. When we stand up, we trust that our legs will hold us. When we sit down, we trust the chair. We trust that, when we inhale, the right amount of oxygen will be present to sustain us. When…

Believing the Bible Bible Christianity-QA

Does the inerrancy of the Bible only apply to the original manuscripts?

To be inerrant is to be free from error. Only the original autographs (the original manuscripts written by the apostles, prophets, etc.) are under the divine promise of inspiration and inerrancy. The books of the Bible, as they were originally written under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit (2 Timothy 3:16–17; 2 Peter 1:20–21), were…

Believing the Bible Bible Christianity-QA

Is the Bible a fairy tale?

The charge that the Bible is nothing more than a fairy tale or a book of nice stories is not new. The Bible is undoubtedly the most impactful book the world has ever known, transforming innumerable lives. Why, then, would the question whether or not the Bible is a fairy tale be a legitimate one…

Believing the Bible Bible Christianity-QA

Is there proof for the inspiration of the Bible?

Here are some evidences that the Bible is inspired (God-breathed), as declared in 2 Timothy 3:16: 1) Fulfilled prophecy. God spoke to men telling them of things He would bring about in the future. Some of them have already occurred. Others have not. For example, the Old Testament contains more than 300 prophecies concerning Jesus…

Believing the Bible Bible Christianity-QA

Is the Bible mind control?

Some people accuse Christians of using the Bible as a mind-control tool. The only way to build a church and retain members, they say, is to use brainwashing tactics to coerce people into lifestyle and attitudinal changes. The accusation is groundless, but those who do not know the power of the Holy Spirit need some…

Believing the Bible Bible Christianity-QA

Why is it important to believe in biblical inerrancy?

We live in a time that tends to shrug its shoulders when confronted with error. Instead of asking, like Pilate, “What is truth?” postmodern man says, “Nothing is truth” or perhaps “There is truth, but we cannot know it.” We’ve grown accustomed to being lied to, and many people seem comfortable with the false notion…

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