What types of musical instruments are mentioned in the Old Testament?
Music is important in the Old Testament. The first person to make a musical instrument lived before the flood of Noah’s day (Genesis 4:21). People used music when celebrating, mourning, worshiping, and prophesying. In addition, different sounds and voices were compared to musical instruments. Sometimes, the exact instrument referred to in the Bible is difficult…
Is the Bible relevant for today?
Hebrews 4:12 says, “For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.” While the Bible was completed approximately 1900 years ago, its accuracy and relevance for today remain unchanged. The…
What is synonymous parallelism in Hebrew poetry?
Synonymous parallelism is a poetic literary device which involves the repetition of one idea in successive lines. The first half of a verse will make a statement, and the second half will essentially say the same thing in different words. The statements are “parallel” in that they are juxtaposed, or side by side, and they…
What is the key to applying the Bible to my life?
Applying the Bible is the duty of all Christians. If we don’t apply it, the Bible becomes nothing more to us than a normal book, an impractical collection of old manuscripts. That’s why Paul says, “Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God…
Why is it so hard to understand the Bible?
Everyone, to varying degrees, struggles in trying to understand the Bible. Even after nearly 2,000 years of church history, there are some Bible verses and passages that leave even the most brilliant of Bible scholars speculating as to the exact and correct meaning. Why is it so hard to understand the Bible? Why does it…
Is it ever appropriate to take a single verse of Scripture out of its context?
Using a passage of Scripture out of context can lead to error and misunderstanding. But not always. Quoting a single verse of course lifts it out of context, but that doesn’t necessarily mean the verse is being misused. Some “out of context” verses reveal a stand-alone truth; others require a consideration of their context in…
What is biblical literalism?
Biblical literalism is the method of interpreting Scripture that holds that, except in places where the text is obviously allegorical, poetic, or figurative, it should be taken literally. Biblical literalism is the position of most evangelicals and Christian fundamentalists. It is the position of Got Questions Ministries as well. (See “Can/Should we interpret the Bible…
What is narcigesis?
Narcigesis is a word of fairly recent coinage that has not yet found its way into dictionaries. When people use the word, they are referring to a process of interpreting Scripture in a highly personal, even selfish way. Narcigesis is a portmanteau word, combining the words narcissism and eisegesis. Narcissism is “excessive interest in or…
What is the rhema word?
There are two primary Greek words that describe Scripture which are translated “word” in the New Testament. The first, logos, refers principally to the total inspired Word of God and to Jesus, who is the living Word. Logos is found in John 1:1; Luke 8:11; Philippians 2:16; Hebrews 4:12; and other verses. The second Greek…
What are the prophetic books of the Bible? What is the Neviim?
The Neviim [נְבִיאִים], translated as “Prophets,” is the second of the three major divisions in the Hebrew Bible. The Neviim follows the Torah and precedes the Ketuvim. The Neviim is comprised of two subsections, the Former Prophets or Neviim Rishonim [נביאים ראשונים]; and the Latter Prophets or Neviim Aharonim [נביאים אחרונים]. The New Testament has…