Category: Catholicism and Tradition

Catholicism Catholicism and Tradition Christianity-QA

Sign of the cross – what is the meaning?

The practice of tracing the sign of the cross is most prominent in the Roman Catholic Church but is also practiced in the Eastern Orthodox, Coptic, Lutheran, Anglican, and Episcopalian churches. The history of the sign of the cross goes back as far as Tertullian, the early church father who lived between A.D. 160 and…

Catholicism Catholicism and Tradition Christianity-QA

What is the meaning of Corpus Christi?

The words Corpus Christi literally mean “body of Christ” in Latin. Corpus Christi, also called the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ, is a religious festival celebrated by many Roman Catholics on the first Thursday after Trinity Sunday, which is the first Sunday after Pentecost. In some countries it is celebrated…

Catholicism Catholicism and Tradition Christianity-QA

What is a rite?

A rite is a ceremonial action performed in an approved manner and following a specified form. Often, rites are religious in nature, but not always—clubs, guilds, and fraternities may have initiation rites for new members, for example. Rites are usually based on long-standing traditions, which, in church rites, people often consider to be sacred. The…

Catholicism Catholicism and Tradition Christianity-QA

What is the Society of Jesus? Who are the Jesuits, and what do they believe?

The Society of Jesus, more commonly known as the Jesuits, is a society within the Roman Catholic Church that was founded by Ignatius of Loyola and instituted by Pope Paul III. The Jesuit society demands four vows of its members: poverty, chastity, obedience to Christ, and obedience to the Pope. The purpose of the Jesuits…

Catholicism Catholicism and Tradition Christianity-QA

What does the Bible say about holy water?

The Bible is silent about holy water the way it is used today. For baptism, Matthew 3:11 speaks of “baptizing with water for repentance,” with nothing in the context suggesting that the water itself is holy. Baptism is a symbolic ritual, identifying oneself with Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection. A closer parallel to the modern…

Catholicism Catholicism and Tradition Christianity-QA

What is the Catholic catechism?

A catechism is a summary of instructions through a series of questions and answers, prepared in book form, containing instruction on religious doctrine. The intent of these instructions is that they be used in a class environment or other means of formal instruction. The Westminster Confession, every part of which contains scriptural backing, is one…

Catholicism Catholicism and Tradition Christianity-QA

Do Catholics worship idols / practice idolatry?

Sadly, our Catholic friends and family members have been indoctrinated to believe that the use of statues, relics, and other articles is acceptable and even necessary for worship. They have been taught by the Roman Catholic Church that the images and icons used in the church are not actually “worshiped” but are simply “visual aids”…

Catholicism Catholicism and Tradition Christianity-QA

Is religious iconography considered idolatry?

Broadly speaking, religious iconography is the artistic depiction of religious figures, often using symbolism. In Christianity, iconography features subjects such as Christ, Mary, or the saints. An icon is an image, usually painted on wood, that is to be venerated as a sacred object. Icons can also be engravings, mosaics, or embroideries. Although people who…

Catholicism Catholicism and Tradition Christianity-QA

Who are the Knights of Columbus?

The Knights of Columbus (K of C) is a Catholic fraternal lay organization started in Connecticut in 1881. Father Michael J. McGivney wanted to provide a Catholic alternative to secret societies (such as Freemasonry) and to support the families of men who died while working in factories. The organization grew quickly as men were drawn…

Catholicism Catholicism and Tradition Christianity-QA

Is the Catholic concept of a nun biblical?

For some people, the solemn, floor-length, black-and-white habit brings repressed nightmares involving rulers and bleeding knuckles flooding into the conscious mind. Others regard these women as repressed and living in a very unnatural state. As with everything that is even slightly mysterious, there is much misunderstanding when it comes to the real story behind Catholic…

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