Category: Early Christian Theology

Christian History Christianity-QA Early Christian Theology

What happened at the Robber Synod of Ephesus (Second Council of Ephesus/Latrocinium)?

The Robber Synod of Ephesus, also known as the Second Council of Ephesus or the Latrocinium (meaning “synod of robbers”), was an infamous ecclesiastical gathering held in AD 449. It was a pivotal event in the Christological debates of the fifth century, intended to resolve significant theological disputes within Christianity. However, the council became a…

Christian History Christianity-QA Early Christian Theology

What happened at the Council of Laodicea?

The Council of Laodicea was held in AD 364 and is considered a minor convention in historical Christianity. The meeting featured only about thirty members, all from the local Middle Eastern churches. The city of Laodicea is in the southwestern part of modern-day Turkey and is mentioned as one of the seven churches of the…

Christian History Christianity-QA Early Christian Theology

What was the first / original church?

The ability to trace one’s church back to the “first church” through apostolic succession is an argument used by a number of different churches to assert that their church is the “one true church.” The Roman Catholic Church makes this claim. The Greek Orthodox Church makes this claim. Some Protestant denominations make this claim. Some…

Christian History Christianity-QA Early Christian Theology

What happened at the Council of Constantinople?

The First Council of Constantinople occurred in AD 381 in the city of the same name (modern Istanbul, Turkey). It is considered the second of the Ecumenical Councils, after Nicea in 325. At the Council of Constantinople, Christian bishops convened to settle several doctrinal disputes prompted by unrest in the religious leadership of the city.…

Christian History Christianity-QA Early Christian Theology

Who was Philo of Alexandria?

Philo of Alexandria, sometimes known as Philo Judaeus, was a first-century philosopher who was born sometime between 15–30 BC in Alexandria, Egypt. A member of the Jewish Diaspora, he was raised with a Jewish and Greek education, giving him an impressive status in a non-Jewish city like Alexandria. Biblical tradition has it that Philo’s nephew…

Christian History Christianity-QA Early Christian Theology

What is the Letter to Diognetus?

The Letter (or Epistle) to Diognetus is a second- or third-century work that defends the doctrines of Christianity. This type of writing is also called an apologetics letter or an apology. Although neither author nor recipient is known for certain, the Letter to Diognetus purports to be written by a student of the apostles who…

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