Category: Early Church Fathers

Christian History Christianity-QA Early Church Fathers

Who was Gregory of Nyssa?

Gregory of Nyssa (c. 335–c. 394), or Gregory Nyssen as he is also known, was born in Neocaesarea, Pontus, now known as the Black Sea region of Turkey. He is considered a saint by most liturgical churches, such as Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, and Lutheran, but not on par with the more highly acclaimed church…

Christian History Christianity-QA Early Church Fathers

Who was Clement of Alexandria?

According to the 4th-century bishop Epiphanius, Titus Flavius Clemens was born into a pagan family in Athens. Clemens is today called Clement of Alexandria (c. AD 155–c. 220)—his city of residence is added to distinguish him from the earlier Clement of Rome. As a seeker of truth, Clement traveled through Greece, Italy, Syria, Palestine, and…

Christian History Christianity-QA Early Church Fathers

Who were the Apostolic Fathers?

The Apostolic Fathers were a group of early Christian leaders and authors who lived shortly after the apostles. Their writings are typically dated between AD 80–180. Most of the Apostolic Fathers are believed to have known the apostles personally or were connected to them in some way. Polycarp is traditionally seen as a disciple of…

Christian History Christianity-QA Early Church Fathers

Who was John Chrysostom?

John Chrysostom (c. AD 347–407) was an Eastern church father and archbishop of Constantinople. He was born in Syrian Antioch and named John; he was known as Chrysostomos (“golden-mouthed”) because of his excellent speaking ability. His mother, Anthusa, was widowed at the age of twenty and refused to remarry in order to devote herself to…

Christian History Christianity-QA Early Church Fathers

What are the Letters of Ignatius?

The word epistle is simply another word for letter, based on the Greek root word that means “to send.” The Letters of Ignatius, or the Epistles of Ignatius, are a set of letters written by early church father Ignatius of Antioch. Ignatius of Antioch (also known as Theophorus, Greek for “God-bearer”) was born around AD…

Christian History Christianity-QA Early Church Fathers

Who was Cyril of Jerusalem?

Cyril of Jerusalem, or St. Cyril of Jerusalem, was a bishop who presided over the See of Jerusalem in the fourth century AD. (A see is an area of jurisdiction given to an episcopal leader.) Cyril of Jerusalem is known as one of the fathers of the Eastern Catholic Church, many of whom resisted parts…

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