What is religiosity?
Religiosity can mean “piety” or “the state of being religious”; however, for the purpose of this article, we will consider the secondary definition of “the exaggerated embodiment of certain aspects of religious activity.” To be religiose is to be “excessively or sentimentally religious” or to practice one’s religion in a meddlesome way. Thus, religiosity is…
What is meant by High Church and Low Church?
Any study of denominationalism or church history is sure to lead, sooner or later, to the terms High Church and Low Church. Originally, these terms defined movements within the Anglican Church, but the meanings have broadened to apply to non-Anglican churches, as well. The terms have to do with worship procedures, specifically, the use of…
What is the purpose of the church?
Acts 2:42 could be considered a purpose statement for the church: “They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.” According to this verse, the purposes/activities of the church should be 1) teaching biblical doctrine, 2) providing a place of fellowship for believers, 3) observing…
Is there supposed to be only one church?
The word translated “church” in the New Testament is ekklesia, which literally means “those who are called out.” In one sense, the church is the group of people that God has called unto Himself from everywhere and from all time. In this sense, there is only one church—one body of believers that God has called…
What is the church?
Many people today understand the church as a building. This is not a biblical understanding of the church. The word “church” is a translation of the Greek word ekklesia, which is defined as “an assembly” or “called-out ones.” The root meaning of church is not that of a building, but of people. It is ironic…
What is the difference between the visible and invisible church?
The Bible never uses the term visible church or invisible church. But the idea of the visible church versus the invisible church is a natural result of a biblical understanding of the doctrine of salvation. The visible church is the expression of Christianity that people can see: the gathering and practices of the individuals in…
Why are there so many Christian denominations?
To answer this question, we must first differentiate between denominations within the body of Christ and non-Christian cults and other religions. Presbyterians and Lutherans are examples of Christian denominations. Mormons and Jehovah’s Witnesses are examples of cults (groups claiming to be Christian but denying one or more of the essentials of the Christian faith). Islam…
How is the church the Body of Christ?
The phrase “the Body of Christ” is a common New Testament metaphor for the Church (all those who are truly saved). The Church is called “one body in Christ” in Romans 12:5, “one body” in 1 Corinthians 10:17, “the body of Christ” in 1 Corinthians 12:27 and Ephesians 4:12, and “the body” in Hebrews 13:3.…
What is the global church?
The global church is the church around the world. It is all the redeemed, saved, forgiven people who are believing in Christ from all places. Often, this massive, worldwide group of Christians is referred to as the universal church. In Revelation 7:9–10, we find this description of worship in heaven: After this I looked and…
Is the idea of a state church biblical?
A state church is a government-run religious system. State churches have been popular in many nations/cultures throughout Christian history, but the idea itself is not biblical. In the Old Testament, one could argue that Israel had a “state church.” The whole nation existed to worship God and serve Him in the land. However, ancient Israel…