Category: Church Leadership

Christianity-QA Church Church Leadership

Why are there some pastors who do not believe?

In recent years there have been several news features on the phenomenon of pastors who do not believe. The report has essentially been that, in anonymous surveys, some pastors admit to being atheists/agnostics. Why would an atheist/agnostic want to be a pastor? While some reported that they enjoy the control and authority the pastoral role…

Christianity-QA Church Church Leadership

What does the Bible say about ordination?

The modern definition of ordination is “the investiture of clergy” or “the act of granting pastoral authority or sacerdotal power.” Usually, we think of an ordination service as a ceremony in which someone is commissioned or appointed to a position within the church. Often, the ceremony involves the laying on of hands. However, the biblical…

Christianity-QA Church Church Leadership

What is a spiritual father?

The phrase spiritual father is not found in the Bible. There are passages that do imply a form of spiritual fatherhood between individuals and over churches. Peter called Mark “my son” (1 Peter 5:13). Paul refers to Timothy as “my true son in the faith,” thus indicating his close relationship to Timothy (1 Timothy 1:2).…

Christianity-QA Church Church Leadership

What does the Bible say about the role of associate/assistant pastor?

Generally speaking, an associate/assistant pastor is a pastor who serves in a supporting role to a church’s senior pastor. Sometimes the role is somewhat of an internship, preparing the man to later serve as a senior pastor. Other times an associate/assistant pastor performs administrative responsibilities to free up the senior pastor to focus more on…

Christianity-QA Church Church Leadership

What is a bishop, biblically speaking?

In the New Testament, a bishop is a person who functions as a teaching leader among a local group of Christians. The Greek term episkapos has also been translated as “episcopal,” “elder,” “overseer,” or “pastor.” All refer to the same office and are therefore synonyms. In the earliest churches, their leaders were simply referred to…

Christianity-QA Church Church Leadership

What is an executive pastor?

The position of “executive pastor” is not specifically mentioned in Scripture. The primary position of leadership in a local church is that of pastor/elder/overseer. The three titles seem to be used interchangeably, but each word may emphasize a certain aspect of the position. The word pastor is really the word for “shepherd” and may emphasize…

Christianity-QA Church Church Leadership

What does the Bible say about the role of senior pastor?

Concerning the role of the pastor, the Bible says a great deal. The primary terms that describe the role of the pastor are “elder,” “bishop,” and “teacher” (1 Timothy 3:1-13). “Elder,” or episkopos (from which we get our word episcopal) refers to the oversight of the believers, and it involves teaching, preaching, caring, and exercising…

Christianity-QA Church Church Leadership

What is a pastor emeritus?

Emeritus is an honorary title bestowed on someone who has retired from a distinguished office (such as pastor, professor, chancellor, or another professional or academic position). Granting such a title is a way of honoring the individual’s service. Emeritus is a Latin participle that means “served one’s term” or “earned one’s discharge by service.” From…

Christianity-QA Church Church Leadership

What is a bi-vocational pastor?

For many pastors, being a pastor is their only job. The demands of church ministry—sermon preparation, teaching, outreach, hospital visitation, counseling, administration, etc.—fill up their days and leave scarce room for anything else. Other pastors, however, find that they must take an outside job to supplement their livelihood and make ends meet. These are the…

Christianity-QA Church Church Leadership

Can a man who is married to a divorced woman serve in church leadership?

As a background, please read our article on the “husband of one wife” phrase in 1 Timothy 3:2,12 and Titus 1:6. While the qualification “husband of one wife” may, in some instances, disqualify a divorced and remarried man from serving in church leadership, an even more difficult question is a married man who has never…

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