Category: Church Organization

Christianity-QA Church Church Organization

How transparent should church finances be?

Any time finances are involved, it can be a touchy issue, and this is true in regards to church finances. Some of this is understandable. If a person is sacrificially giving to a church, it is good for that person to show an interest in how the finances are managed. In some churches, virtually every…

Christianity-QA Church Church Organization

What is the biblical pattern of church leadership?

There is a distinct pattern for church leadership in the New Testament, although the pattern seems to be assumed rather than specifically prescribed. The New Testament mentions two official positions in the church: deacons and elders (also called pastors or overseers). The words elder (sometimes translated “presbyter”), pastor (which may be translated “shepherd”), and overseer…

Christianity-QA Church Church Organization

Is it biblical for a church to seek 501(c)(3) incorporation?

There certainly are many people and groups which argue against incorporating churches, but is there a biblical argument for incorporation? Jesus told His disciples in Matthew 22:21, “Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and to God what is God’s.” This answer was given specifically to the question of whether it was lawful to pay tribute,…

Christianity-QA Church Church Organization

Should a church be seeker sensitive?

In recent years a new movement within the evangelical church has come into vogue, commonly referred to as “seeker sensitive.” Generally, this movement has seen a great deal of growth. Many “seeker” churches are now mega-churches with well-known pastors who are riding a wave of popularity in the evangelical world. The seeker-sensitive movement claims millions…

Christianity-QA Church Church Organization

Is it right for a church to go into debt?

Nowhere in the Bible does God give permission for a church to go into debt. On the other hand, neither does the Bible expressly forbid a church from taking out a loan. Broadly speaking, however, it does not seem wise for a church to be in debt. In nearly every instance where debt is mentioned…

Christianity-QA Church Church Organization

Is the 9Marks series biblically sound?

The 9Marks series is an excellent resource for pastors who want to build a biblically based church or for Christians looking for such a church. 9Marks is an organization that seeks to promote nine marks (or characteristics) of a healthy church, based on biblical teaching. The organization was born out of the ministry of Mark…

Christianity-QA Church Church Organization

What is the G12 vision / movement?

The G12 vision / movement is a cell-church discipleship strategy pioneered by Cesar Castellanos at International Charismatic Mission of Bogota, Colombia, where he was a pastor. Castellanos believed that God spoke to him in a vision, laying out what He desired the Church do in response to the end times. This vision was the “government…

Christianity-QA Church Church Organization

Should a church participate in fund-raising?

First, we must define what we mean by “church fund-raising.” The Bible is clear that the giving of “offerings” is commanded and blessed by God. God loves a “cheerful giver”—one who gives abundantly out of a heart of love for God (2 Corinthians 2:8-9). Paul provides instruction and a great deal of discussion about giving…

Christianity-QA Church Church Organization

What should be the mission of the church?

The church is a creation of God (Acts 20:28; 1 Corinthians 3:9, 17; 15:9), founded and owned by Jesus Christ—“I will build My church” (Matthew 16:18)—and directed and energized by the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 10:17; 12:5–27; Romans 12:4–5). Therefore, it is the church’s joy to look to God to explain His design for the…

Christianity-QA Church Church Organization

Should a church tithe 10% of the offerings it receives?

Tithing is given as an example in the Scriptures as how individuals should respond to God’s blessings. Many individuals question whether the tithe is still applicable for believers today since we are not “under the law.” Despite that distinction, many believers consider it their privilege to give proportionately to the work of the Lord using…

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