Category: Ministry

Christianity-QA Church Ministry

Should the church get involved in social issues and causes?

This issue is the cause of much controversy in the Christian community. Each of the two extremes is represented by those who feel very strongly that their position is the “Christian” one. On one hand there are those who spend many hours writing to their Congressmen, picketing abortion clinics, campaigning for conservative candidates and using…

Christianity-QA Church Ministry

Is there biblical support for parachurch ministries?

The concept of the parachurch ministry was unknown to the first century church and is therefore not mentioned in Scripture. The definition of a Christian parachurch ministry is “a Christian faith-based organization which carries out its mission usually independent of church oversight.” The prefix para- is Greek for “beside” or “alongside.” Therefore, the parachurch ministry…

Christianity-QA Church Ministry

What sort of interfaith ministries are appropriate?

In a time of limited resources, many churches and Christian organizations seek ways to make an impact by working with other organizations on a wide array of issues such as disaster relief, poverty and education. But many have concerns regarding our responsibility to defend “the faith . . . once for all delivered to the…

Christianity-QA Church Ministry

What is Christianization?

Christianization is a term used to indicate the process of making something “Christian.” When a nation’s population turns to Christianity as its official or predominate religion, then that nation has been Christianized, especially if it is under a Christian ruler. The idea of Christianizing a country or nation is not found in the Bible. The…

Christianity-QA Church Ministry

What is a Christian missionary?

A Christian missionary is commissioned by the Lord to make disciples, followers of Christ. Jesus commands all Christians to share the Gospel, the message of His death and resurrection that conquered the penalty and power of sin. “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and…

Christianity-QA Church Ministry

Complementarianism vs. egalitarianism—which view is biblically correct?

Summarized by “The Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood,” complementarianism is the viewpoint that God restricts women from serving in certain church leadership roles and instead calls women to serve in equally important, but complementary roles. Summarized by “Christians for Biblical Equality,” egalitarianism is the viewpoint that there are no biblical gender-based restrictions on ministry…

Christianity-QA Church Ministry

What is biblical separation?

Biblical separation is the recognition that God has called believers out of the world and into a personal and corporate purity in the midst of sinful cultures. Biblical separation is usually considered in two areas: personal and ecclesiastical. Personal separation involves an individual’s commitment to a godly standard of behavior. Daniel practiced personal separatism when…

Christianity-QA Church Ministry

What is Vacation Bible School?

Vacation Bible School, or VBS, is a fun-filled program many churches offer, usually during the summer (“vacation”) months, to connect with the children and families in their communities. Vacation Bible School is an outreach meant to bring in children who don’t normally attend church and to teach them the gospel. As an evangelistic tool, VBS…

Christianity-QA Church Ministry

What does the Bible say about youth ministry?

Although youth ministry is a fixture in the modern church, there is no biblical model for such a ministry. However, biblical principles can and should be the model for all ministries in the local church, including ministry to youth. Sadly, too many youth ministries are built not on biblical principles but on fads, hype, and…

Christianity-QA Church Ministry

Are mission boards biblical?

Mission boards are groups of people who oversee, to a lesser or greater degree, the activities of missionaries on the mission field. Mission boards can be as simple as a few people in the local church who choose, pray for, and support one or more people from their own church who feel led by God…

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