How can I know if I am being called to serve as a missionary?
In one sense, every Christian is a missionary (Matthew 28:19–20). Every believer is to share Christ with others. However, some receive a specific calling to serve in another context far from their present location. The Bible does not give a specific verse teaching us how to discover whether we are called as missionaries, but it…
What is an attractional church?
The attractional church seeks to reach out to the culture and draw people into the church. Attractional churches design their services and programs in such a way as to “attract” attendees. A primary focus of an attractional church is to attract congregants to worship services. The attractional church model, using the seeker-friendly approach, is often…
What does the Bible say about Christian confirmation?
Confirmation is defined as a sacrament, a ritual or a service performed by man. In some traditions, generally Catholic and Anglican, the sacrament of confirmation is the ritual by which a young person becomes an official member of the Church. This sometimes includes the bestowal of a “confirmation name,” generally the name of a saint,…
Does a Christian have to attend every service a church has?
Of course, with some churches—the big ones with three or four services every Sunday and another on Saturday—it’s neither feasible nor expected that a member attend every service. But attending the services most churches offer places no real burden on one’s schedule. Many people grew up in households that required church attendance: “When the doors…
What does the Bible say about wearing hats in church?
In Western culture, it has always been considered rude or disrespectful for a man to wear a hat inside a building, including a church building. Even a generation ago, when men commonly wore hats, the headgear was removed indoors, or even outdoors in the presence of a woman. In contrast, women’s hats have long been…
What is the institutional church?
An institution is an established public organization. The term institutional church refers to organized groups of professing Christians who meet in designated church buildings and follow prescribed schedules for weekly worship and teaching. Institutional churches often offer separate classes by age, such as nurseries for preschoolers and services for children and youth, in addition to…
What is the simple church movement?
The distinguishing factor of the simple church movement is an emphasis on house churches. A simple church might also emphasize lay leaders, a family atmosphere, and reproducing more house churches. A “simple church” can meet anywhere. They may or may not have trained leaders, formal liturgy, programs, or structures. A simple church is usually a…
What is the difference between preaching and teaching?
In common usage, the terms preaching and teaching are often used interchangeably. There is, however, an important difference between them. Each endeavor plays a unique role in evangelism and the spiritual maturation of believers. To fully appreciate the difference between preaching and teaching, it is helpful to examine the original Greek terms used in the…
What does the Bible say about ordination?
The modern definition of ordination is “the investiture of clergy” or “the act of granting pastoral authority or sacerdotal power.” Usually, we think of an ordination service as a ceremony in which someone is commissioned or appointed to a position within the church. Often, the ceremony involves the laying on of hands. However, the biblical…
What is a spiritual father?
The phrase spiritual father is not found in the Bible. There are passages that do imply a form of spiritual fatherhood between individuals and over churches. Peter called Mark “my son” (1 Peter 5:13). Paul refers to Timothy as “my true son in the faith,” thus indicating his close relationship to Timothy (1 Timothy 1:2).…