What is the purpose of church by-laws (bylaws)?
Most churches have a doctrinal statement, a document which condenses and systematizes the church’s tenets of faith. A doctrinal statement is valuable in ensuring conformity to the Word of God and preventing the church from being “tossed to and fro, and carried about by every wind of doctrine” (Ephesians 4:14). In addition to the articles…
What are the mainline denominations?
When people speak of “mainline denominations,” they are usually referring to the historic, established Protestant groups. In 2009, George Barna published a list of the churches that are commonly considered “mainline”: American Baptist Churches in the USA, the Episcopal Church, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, the Presbyterian Church (USA), and the United Methodist Church.…
What should I be looking for in a church?
In order to know what to look for in a local church, we must first understand God’s purpose for the church—the body of Christ—in general. There are two outstanding truths about the church. First, “the church of the living God [is] the pillar and foundation of the truth” (1 Timothy 3:15). Second, Christ alone is…
Is christening in the Bible?
Christening is defined as “a Christian sacrament signifying spiritual cleansing and rebirth.” The christening ceremony, usually done to small children and babies, and most common in Catholic and Episcopal churches, is more than simply infant baptism. The christening ceremony includes giving the baby his/her “Christian” name, sprinkling water on the head of the child, and…
What should a Christian do if he/she lives in an area where there is no church to attend?
There are many areas of the world where restrictions are placed on Christians in regard to when, where, and how they may worship. In some countries, Christian worship in any form is not permitted, and some repressive governments arrest and kill Christians simply for declaring or exercising their faith. Christians who live in such areas…
Should an unbeliever be allowed to participate in a church worship team?
In many of today’s churches, the desire for an appealing, professional-sounding praise and worship service has led to considerations of allowing (or even hiring) unbelievers to play instruments or sing on the worship team. While it is understandable that churches want skilled musicians in their music programs, the placement of unsaved people in a position…
What does the Bible say about the position of worship leader?
Because the term “worship leader” means so many different things to so many people, it is always best to see what Scripture has to say about the role of worship and those who lead corporate worship. True worship, whether corporate or individual, has several major components, as described in Romans 12:1-2. First, the motivation to…
How can I become a pastor?
There are a number of denominations that require specific training and certifications to become a pastor. In these cases, the pastor usually works for the denomination and reports directly to them. Other churches are “independent” and will usually choose a pastor by the consent of the congregation or some other local governing body. In this…
What is a pulpit?
A pulpit is an elevated platform or high reading desk used in preaching or conducting a worship service. A pulpit was a standard furnishing in most Christian churches until recent years when many pastors began trading heavy wooden pulpits for high stools, small tables, transparent podiums, or no furniture at all. Some modern churches have…
Is it wrong to attend two (or more) different churches?
The New Testament does not directly address the subject of attending two or more different churches. Paul’s letter to the Corinthians begins, “To the church of God in Corinth” (1 Corinthians 1:2), indicating one church, whereas the book of Galatians begins with “to the churches in Galatia” (Galatians 1:2), indicating more than one in the…