What is unity in Christ?
Unity is a state of oneness and harmony. All believers in Christ are united in Christ. We are in a relationship that unites us with Him and with every other believer. Jesus prayed for His disciples—all who would believe in Him for all the ages—“that all of them may be one, Father, just as you…
How can I overcome being hurt by the church?
The pain caused by a church is a “silent killer.” This doesn’t mean that the words and events that “burned” and hurt your heart are not very ugly and public. It is a “silent killer” because of what it does deep in the fabric of the mind, heart, and soul of the wounded. If not…
What does the Bible say about being a godparent / god-parent?
Traditionally, the godparents were counted informally responsible for ensuring that the child’s religious education was carried out, and for caring for the child should he/she be orphaned. Today, the word godparent may not have explicitly religious overtones. The (particularly) modern definition of a godparent is “an individual chosen by the parents to take a vested…
What is the duty / role of a pastor’s wife?
The Bible does not address the involvement of the pastor’s wife in any ministry. In other words, it depends upon the denomination, the individual church within a denomination, the church board, and the pastor and his wife to determine how active the pastor’s wife should be. The main area of responsibility for any wife is…
Should a church close due to inclement weather?
“Snowstorm Coming! No Church Tomorrow!” If we’ve been part of a local congregation for any length of time, we’ve received news like that. Whether it be ice, rain, snow, or excessive heat, some natural elements can affect the advisability of corporate gatherings. Like the local school systems, many churches choose caution and safety over pushing…
What is the cause of church splits?
Divisions that lead to church splits are a sad and all-too-common occurrence in the body of Christ. The effects of a church split, regardless of the cause, can be devastating. Church splits distress and dismay mature believers, disillusion new believers, cause havoc in the lives of pastors and their families, and bring reproach upon the…
Should there be a church position of armor-bearer?
In Scripture, an armor-bearer (also spelled armorbearer and armor bearer) was a servant who carried additional weapons for commanders. Abimelech (Judges 9:54), Saul (1 Samuel 16:21), Jonathan (1 Samuel 14:6-17), and Joab (2 Samuel 18:15) had armor-bearers/armorbearers. Armor-bearers were also responsible for killing enemies wounded by their masters. After enemy soldiers were wounded with javelins…
What are the pros and cons of attending a mega-church?
A “megachurch” is defined as a Protestant church that has an average of 2,000 or more regular attendees to weekend services. Megachurch demographics: The composition of the megachurch has changed in the last decade. Ten years ago, megachurches were comprised mostly of baby boomers (the post-World War II generation born between 1946 and 1964) with…
What does the Bible say about unity?
The topic of unity is common in Scripture. One of the earliest mentions of individuals being united is in the marriage between a man and a woman. Genesis 2:24 states, “That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh.” From there, the Bible…
Why do so many preachers’ kids walk away from the faith?
When preachers’ kids, so-called PKs, walk away from the faith in which they have been brought up, it is a sad thing and a poor testimony to the truth of Christianity. Although true Christians cannot lose their salvation, many, including some raised in the homes of pastors and ministers of the gospel, can and do…