Are any of the various worship styles unbiblical?
Before we can decide whether certain worship styles are unbiblical, we need to define worship. Worship is usually defined as “the act of showing reverence and adoration for a deity by honoring that deity with religious rites.” But worship can go even deeper than that. Worship can be more accurately defined as “the art of…
Does a Christian have to attend every service a church has?
Of course, with some churches—the big ones with three or four services every Sunday and another on Saturday—it’s neither feasible nor expected that a member attend every service. But attending the services most churches offer places no real burden on one’s schedule. Many people grew up in households that required church attendance: “When the doors…
What does the Bible say about wearing hats in church?
In Western culture, it has always been considered rude or disrespectful for a man to wear a hat inside a building, including a church building. Even a generation ago, when men commonly wore hats, the headgear was removed indoors, or even outdoors in the presence of a woman. In contrast, women’s hats have long been…
What is the difference between preaching and teaching?
In common usage, the terms preaching and teaching are often used interchangeably. There is, however, an important difference between them. Each endeavor plays a unique role in evangelism and the spiritual maturation of believers. To fully appreciate the difference between preaching and teaching, it is helpful to examine the original Greek terms used in the…
Should an unbeliever be allowed to participate in a church worship team?
In many of today’s churches, the desire for an appealing, professional-sounding praise and worship service has led to considerations of allowing (or even hiring) unbelievers to play instruments or sing on the worship team. While it is understandable that churches want skilled musicians in their music programs, the placement of unsaved people in a position…
What does the Bible say about the position of worship leader?
Because the term “worship leader” means so many different things to so many people, it is always best to see what Scripture has to say about the role of worship and those who lead corporate worship. True worship, whether corporate or individual, has several major components, as described in Romans 12:1-2. First, the motivation to…
What is a pulpit?
A pulpit is an elevated platform or high reading desk used in preaching or conducting a worship service. A pulpit was a standard furnishing in most Christian churches until recent years when many pastors began trading heavy wooden pulpits for high stools, small tables, transparent podiums, or no furniture at all. Some modern churches have…
Why is corporate worship important?
Scripture is clear that Jesus died for the church (Acts 20:28; Ephesians 5:25) and that the church is His body (Romans 12:5; 1 Corinthians 10:17; 12:12-27; Ephesians 1:23; 4:12; 5:30; Colossians 1:18, 24; Hebrews 13:3). Participation in a church is essential to the spiritual health of individual Christians. So, why should Christians attend church? First…
What is homiletics?
The term homiletics comes from the word homily, which basically means “a sermon.” Homiletics is the art of preparing sermons and preaching. Those who study homiletics seek to improve their skill at communicating the gospel and other biblical topics. The discipline of homiletics falls under the umbrella of pastoral or practical theology. Preaching and, therefore,…
Are we supposed to use musical instruments in church?
In all the examples of believers meeting together for worship in the New Testament, we have no clear instance of musical instruments being used. Most churches today utilize musical instruments of all kinds, but some use none at all. The lack of a biblical example of a church using musical instruments has led some to…