Category: Worship Services

Christianity-QA Church Worship Services

What is the difference between praise and worship?

Understanding the difference between praise and worship can bring a new depth to the way we honor the Lord. Throughout the Bible are numerous commands to “praise the Lord.” Angels and the heavenly hosts are commanded to praise the Lord (Psalm 89:5; 103:20; 148:2). All inhabitants of the earth are instructed to praise the Lord…

Christianity-QA Church Worship Services

What does the Bible say about worship?

In the Bible, worship describes both a way of life and a specific activity. Praising, adoring, and expressing reverence for God, both publicly and privately, are specific acts of worship. In a broader sense, worship refers to an overall lifestyle of serving and glorifying God and reflecting His glory to others. When the Old Testament…

Christianity-QA Church Worship Services

What is the definition of worship?

In the Bible, the Hebrew word translated as “worship” is shachah and literally denotes the act of bowing down. The Greek word proskuneō, rendered as “worship,” means “to encounter God and praise Him.” Both terms seem to define worship as an activity or an action. However, an accurate depiction of biblical worship extends beyond mere…

Christianity-QA Church Worship Services

What is the meaning of Christian worship?

The meaning of the New Testament Greek word most often translated “worship” (proskuneo) is “to fall down before” or “bow down before.” Worship is a state (an attitude) of spirit. Since it’s an internal, individual action, it could/should be done most of the time (or all the time) in our lives, regardless of place or…

Christianity-QA Church Worship Services

Why do some churches have a Sunday night/evening service?

Just a couple of decades ago, the more popular question would probably have been “Why have some churches stopped having a Sunday night service?” In the last 20–30 years, things have changed, and the trend seems to be that more and more churches are no longer having Sunday night services. The churches that still have…

Christianity-QA Church Worship Services

If a person leaves church before the benediction, is the blessing lost?

Most, if not all, liturgical churches close their service with a benediction, or words of blessing from Scripture. This tradition has its roots in Old Testament law (Numbers 6:22–27), and benedictions close many New Testament epistles (e.g., 1 Corinthians 16:23–24). The idea behind a benediction at the close of a church service is that God…

Christianity-QA Church Worship Services

Why do we have to dress up nice for church?

It is good for us to ponder why we wear what we do. Genesis 35:1-3 may shed some light on the subject. “Then God said to Jacob, ‘Go up to Bethel and settle there. Build an altar there to honor Me. That’s where I appeared to you when you were running away from your brother…

Christianity-QA Church Worship Services

What is expositional preaching?

Expositional preaching at its simplest is preaching that is focused on explaining the meaning of Scripture in its historical and grammatical context. Expositional preaching involves explaining what the Bible says to a contemporary audience that is likely unfamiliar with the cultural and historical settings that the passage was written in. The word exposition simply means…

Christianity-QA Church Worship Services

Is it wrong to have drums in church?

In most of today’s growing churches, instruments of every kind, including drums, are included in musical worship. The proliferation of popular worship music has fueled the desire in local congregations to recreate that sound in their own churches. Drums, cymbals, and all kinds of percussion instruments are now a regular part of many worship services.…

Christianity-QA Church Worship Services

Why do some churches have a Wednesday night service?

Wednesday evening prayer meetings were a staple in many Protestant congregations during the first half of the twentieth century, but the origins of Wednesday evening services are unclear. Some trace the beginnings of the Wednesday night service to the practice of slaves in the U.S. who met together for encouragement and prayer. Some mention the…

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