Category: Creation Basics

Christianity-QA Creation Creation Basics

Did the Bible copy the Flood account from other myths and legends?

It is true that the Genesis flood account shares many striking similarities with the Babylonian Gilgamesh epic, and with the Babylonian Atrahasis epic, for that matter. In fact, literally hundreds of flood traditions have been preserved all over the world, with traditions abounding in Europe, Asia, Africa, and Australia, as well as both of the…

Christianity-QA Creation Creation Basics

What is laminin?

Laminin is the name used for a family of proteins that serve many useful functions in biology. The most important property of laminins is their ability to easily bind to each other and to other proteins. This makes laminin a critical means of holding tissues and organs together. It has been described as the protein…

Christianity-QA Creation Creation Basics

Does the Bible say anything about the existence of black holes?

Black holes, simply put, are not a subject the Bible has any reason to discuss. The Bible is meant to convey one primary topic above all others: how mankind can be reconciled with God. For that reason, many aspects of the universe are left unaddressed in Scripture. This does not mean the Bible contradicts those…

Christianity-QA Creation Creation Basics

What does the Bible say about dragons?

The Bible mentions a dragon in Revelation chapters 12, 13, 16, and 20. Revelation 20:2 identifies the dragon: “He seized the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the devil, or Satan, and bound him for a thousand years.” The Bible is not teaching that dragons ever truly existed. Rather, it is only comparing Satan to…

Christianity-QA Creation Creation Basics

What does the Bible say about astronomy?

Astronomy is the science which studies the properties of the heavens and the objects therein and, as such, is devoted to the analysis of a portion of God’s creation. Genesis 1:1 declares that “in the beginning, God created the heavens” and that on the fourth day of His creative acts, “God made two great lights—the…

Christianity-QA Creation Creation Basics

Is the concept of an initial singularity compatible with the Bible?

The Big Bang is the most widely accepted explanation for the origin of the universe among scientists today. According to this theory, the universe began approximately 13.8 billion years ago from what some researchers speculate was a singularity—an unimaginably tiny speck with immeasurable density and temperature. Some argue that this initial singularity triggered the Big…

Christianity-QA Creation Creation Basics

What impact does red shift have on creationism?

Redshift, sometimes written as red shift, is a change in light wavelengths due to objects moving apart from each other. This is the electromagnetic equivalent to the Doppler effect, which occurs with respect to sound. The most commonly cited example of the Doppler effect is that of a passing train or automobile. As the machine…

Christianity-QA Creation Creation Basics

Does the Bible teach that the earth is flat?

In attempts to discredit the reliability of the Bible, many skeptics claim that the Bible depicts a flat earth. Further, there are more than a few Christians who believe the Bible teaches the earth is flat. Even further, there are some people who simply question the scientific consensus and the seemingly overwhelming scientific evidence and/or…

Christianity-QA Creation Creation Basics

Who was Cain’s wife?

The Bible does not specifically say who Cain’s wife was. The only possible answer is that Cain’s wife was his sister or niece or great-niece, etc. The Bible does not say how old Cain was when he killed Abel (Genesis 4:8), but they both were likely full-grown adults. Adam and Eve surely had given birth…

Christianity-QA Creation Creation Basics

Is belief in God compatible with quantum physics?

Quantum physics, also known as quantum mechanics, is an application of mathematics used to describe the behavior of matter and energy at an unimaginably tiny scale. Even more than other specialized fields within the sciences, it is extraordinarily difficult to explain quantum theories in layman’s terms. Not only does quantum mechanics involve higher-level physics, but…

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