Why did God create the world / earth?
The biblical evidence suggests that the glory of God is the reason why God created everything, including the earth. In his work “A Dissertation Concerning the End for Which God Created the World,” Jonathan Edwards puts it like this: “It appears reasonable to suppose, that it was God’s last end, that there might be a…
How was the flood in the time of Noah just?
The global flood of Noah’s day was the direct judgment of a just God. The Bible says the flood wiped out “people and animals and the creatures that move along the ground and the birds”—everything that breathed air (Genesis 7:23). Some people today are offended by the flood story, saying it is proof of God’s…
What did God create on the fourth day of creation?
On the fourth day of creation, God created the sun, moon, stars, and the other heavenly bodies (Genesis 1:14–19). The number of things God created on the fourth day is staggering. Scientists currently estimate there to be 2 trillion galaxies in the universe, with about 100 million stars in each galaxy. That would mean the…
The missing link—has it been found?
Every so often, news outlets irresponsibly report the sensational claim that someone somewhere has finally found “the missing link.” Such reports give people the false impression that science has, at long last, discovered the fossilized remains of a half-human, half-ape creature, thereby proving Darwin’s theory of evolution. In actual fact, no missing link has ever…
Who was Cain’s wife?
The Bible does not specifically say who Cain’s wife was. The only possible answer is that Cain’s wife was his sister or niece or great-niece, etc. The Bible does not say how old Cain was when he killed Abel (Genesis 4:8), but they both were likely full-grown adults. Adam and Eve surely had given birth…
What is the Anthropic Principle?
Anthropic means “relating to human beings or their existence.” Principle means “law.” The Anthropic Principle is the Law of Human Existence. It is well known that our existence in this universe depends on numerous cosmological constants and parameters whose numerical values must fall within a very narrow range of values. If even a single variable…
What is theistic evolution?
Theistic evolution is one of three major origin-of-life worldviews, the other two being atheistic evolution (also commonly known as Darwinian evolution and naturalistic evolution) and special creation. Versions of theistic evolution come somewhere between one of two extremes. One view is close to deism, which says God allows only natural processes to influence the development…
What was the firmament in the Bible?
The “firmament” (from the Latin firmamentum, meaning “sky” or “expanse”) is mentioned 17 times in the King James Version of the Bible and refers to the expanse of the heavens above the earth. Nine of the occurrences of firmament are in the first chapter of the Bible as part of the creation account. Genesis 1:6-8…
Is the universe expanding?
Virtually all scientists say that the universe is expanding. The question of concern for many Christians is whether an expanding universe supports creationism or the Big Bang theory. The answer is that it supports both! Not only that, but the expansion of the universe is mentioned in the Bible, not once but numerous times. Although…
What is young earth creationism?
Young earth creationism (YEC) is the belief that God directly created the universe in six literal days and that the earth is relatively young. Young earth creationists usually place the age of the earth at 6,000 years (10,000 years being an upper limit). Other points held by young earth creationists include the occurrence of a…