Category: Cults and Religions Basics

Christianity-QA Cults and Religions Cults and Religions Basics

What does the Bible say about the holy grail (sangreal)?

The Bible has nothing to say about the Holy Grail because the existence of the Holy Grail is nothing but a mythical legend that has been popularized recently by such books as The DaVinci Code and a renewed interest in King Arthur. There are many legends surrounding the Holy Grail; however, most scholars believe the…

Christianity-QA Cults and Religions Cults and Religions Basics

What is the best way to evangelize someone who is in a cult or false religion?

The most important thing we can do for those involved in cults or false religions is pray for them. We need to pray that God would change their hearts and open their eyes to the truth (2 Corinthians 4:4). We need to pray that God would convince them of their need for salvation through Jesus…

Christianity-QA Cults and Religions Cults and Religions Basics

How can I help someone to leave a toxic cult?

If a loved one or friend is involved in a cult, it’s important to, first of all, pray. Then do a little research first to ascertain what kind of group he or she is part of. You need to be aware of the general way these groups operate and to understand the mindset of those…

Christianity-QA Cults and Religions Cults and Religions Basics

What is the origin of religion?

From the earliest times, humans have looked around and above them and wondered about the world, the universe, and the meaning of life. Unlike animals, humans have a built-in desire to understand how we got here, why we are here, and what happens after we die. Adam and Eve knew God personally (Genesis 3) and…

Christianity-QA Cults and Religions Cults and Religions Basics

What is a heathen?

The word heathen is an older translation of the Hebrew word goyim in the Old Testament. The word goyim literally meant “nations” and could refer broadly to all the nations of the world. In other contexts, the word was used to distinguish other nations from Israel, the people of God (Joshua 23:7; 1 Kings 11:2).…

Christianity-QA Cults and Religions Cults and Religions Basics

What is the definition of a cult?

When people hear the word cult, they often think of a group that worships Satan, sacrifices animals, or takes part in evil, bizarre, and pagan rituals. However, in reality, a cult rarely involves such things. In fact, a cult, in the broadest sense of the word, is simply a religious system with particular rites and…

Christianity-QA Cults and Religions Cults and Religions Basics

If I convert to Christianity, I will be persecuted. Should I follow Jesus?

Converting to Christianity means becoming a follower of Jesus by faith (John 10:26-30). Crowds flocked to Jesus, but most were not His true followers. They just wanted to experience healing of their diseases, see Jesus cast out demons, and eat their fill of the bread He miraculously provided. Jesus warned them of the cost of…

Christianity-QA Cults and Religions Cults and Religions Basics

What is the Spear of Destiny?

The Spear of Destiny is the name given to the spear that was used to pierce Jesus after He was crucified on the cross. John 19:34 records, “…one of the soldiers pierced Jesus’ side with a spear…” Because of the contact between the spear and Jesus’ blood, all sorts of myths and legends have been…

Christianity-QA Cults and Religions Cults and Religions Basics

What is the all-seeing eye?

There are many cultural, religious, philosophical, and cultic uses of the symbol of the “all-seeing eye,” which is also called the “Eye of Providence.” Some suggest that the all-seeing eye is based on the “Eye of Horus” from ancient Egypt, although similarity in symbolism does not necessarily connote similar meaning. The basic representation is that…

Christianity-QA Cults and Religions Cults and Religions Basics

What does it mean to be spiritual but not religious?

Those in certain religious or Christian circles have more than likely heard someone say, “I am spiritual but not religious.” In fact, over the last ten years, 22 percent of the population—and about 30 percent of those between the ages of eighteen and thirty—have adopted the “spiritual but not religious” label (, accessed 2/9/2023). It…

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