Category: Cults and Religions Basics

Christianity-QA Cults and Religions Cults and Religions Basics

Why can’t religions coexist peacefully?

It has often been said that more wars have been fought in the name of religion than anything else. While that statement is completely inaccurate, many people still ponder the question, “Why can’t religions coexist peacefully?” The short answer is because the various religions are competing with one another for the hearts and souls of…

Christianity-QA Cults and Religions Cults and Religions Basics

What is the right religion for me?

Fast food restaurants entice us by allowing us to order our food exactly the way we want it. Some coffee shops boast over a hundred different flavors and varieties of coffee. Even when buying houses and cars, we can look for one with all the options and features we desire. We no longer live in…

Christianity-QA Cults and Religions Cults and Religions Basics

How does God judge those who were raised in non-Christian cultures?

This question presupposes that the ability to be saved is dependent upon where we are born, how we are raised and what we are taught. The lives of millions of people who have come out of false religions—or no religion at all—through the centuries clearly refute this idea. Heaven is not the eternal dwelling place…

Christianity-QA Cults and Religions Cults and Religions Basics

Inclusivism vs. exclusivism—what does the Bible say?

Is personal faith in Jesus the only way to heaven (exclusivism), or did Jesus’ death also provide salvation for some who do not believe (inclusivism)? This question is often posed by non-Christians when first confronted with the claims of biblical Christianity. Many skeptics charge that it is unreasonable for God to demand allegiance to Jesus…

Christianity-QA Cults and Religions Cults and Religions Basics

Do all roads lead to God?

If Bethel, a remote city on the western coast of Alaska, is your destination, you will arrive via boat along the Kuskokwim River or arrive by air. Travelers and tourists will note there are no roads leading to Bethel—except one. Each January, tourists and locals cheer on their favorite mushers at the Kuskokwin 300 Sled…

Christianity-QA Cults and Religions Cults and Religions Basics

What is the origin and meaning of the Celtic cross?

The Celtic cross is a symbol used today in many contexts, both religious and secular. The Celtic cross is like a traditional cross but with a ring around the intersection of the stem and arms. The whole cross is often decorated with ornate Gaelic patterns. Sometimes the Celtic cross is set on a tall base…

Christianity-QA Cults and Religions Cults and Religions Basics

Is Jesus the only way to heaven?

Yes, Jesus is the only way to heaven. Such an exclusive statement may confuse, surprise, or even offend, but it is true nonetheless. The Bible teaches that there is no other way to salvation than through Jesus Christ. Jesus Himself says in John 14:6, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one…

Christianity-QA Cults and Religions Cults and Religions Basics

What is paganism?

From a Christian viewpoint, pagans are generally characterized as those who are caught up in any religious ceremony, act, or practice that is not distinctly Christian. Correspondingly, Jews and Muslims also use the term pagans to describe those outside their religion. Others define the term paganism as any religion outside of Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism, and…

Christianity-QA Cults and Religions Cults and Religions Basics

What is the meaning of an upside-down / inverted cross?

The upside-down cross, or the inverted cross, is a symbol with a long history and, in modern times, divergent meanings. As its name implies, an upside-down cross is simply a Latin cross turned so that the crosspiece is closer to the bottom than the top. A person hanging on such a cross would be positioned…

Christianity-QA Cults and Religions Cults and Religions Basics

What is the Mandylion?

According to an extrabiblical legend in Eastern Orthodoxy, the Mandylion is a piece of cloth believed to be imprinted with a miraculous image of the face of Jesus Christ. The Mandylion is considered the “first icon” by Orthodox Christians. Icon simply means “image”; Mandylion, also spelled Mandilion, comes from a Greek word for “towel” or…

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