Category: Cults and Religions Basics

Christianity-QA Cults and Religions Cults and Religions Basics

What is the difference between religion and spirituality?

Before we explore the difference between religion and spirituality, we must first define the two terms. Religion can be defined as “belief in God or gods to be worshiped, usually expressed in conduct and ritual” or “any specific system of belief, worship, etc., often involving a code of ethics.” Spirituality can be defined as “the…

Christianity-QA Cults and Religions Cults and Religions Basics

What are the most common world religions?

There are countless religions in the world, with most religions having sub-sects within them. Generally speaking, all religions attempt to help people make sense of their purpose and existence in this world, explain what occurs in the afterlife, and declare whether or not there is a deity, and if so, how we relate to this…

Christianity-QA Cults and Religions Cults and Religions Basics

Why are there so many religions?

The existence of so many religions and the claim that all religions lead to God without question confuses many who are earnestly seeking the truth about God, with the end result sometimes being that some despair of ever reaching the absolute truth on the subject. Or they end up embracing the universalist claim that all…

Christianity-QA Cults and Religions Cults and Religions Basics

What is true religion?

Religion can be defined as “belief in God or gods to be worshiped, usually expressed in conduct and ritual” or “any specific system of belief, worship, etc., often involving a code of ethics.” Well over 90% of the world’s population adheres to some form of religion. The problem is that there are so many different…

Christianity-QA Cults and Religions Cults and Religions Basics

Should Christians be tolerant of other people’s religious beliefs?

In our age of “tolerance,” moral relativism is touted as the supreme virtue. Every philosophy, idea, and faith system has equal merit, says the relativist, and is worthy of equal respect. Those who favor one faith system over another or—even worse—claim a knowledge of absolute truth are considered narrow-minded, unenlightened, or even bigoted. Of course,…

Christianity-QA Cults and Religions Cults and Religions Basics

What is the origin of the peace sign?

The logo commonly recognized as the “peace sign” began in the 1950s as the logo for the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND). According to the CND, it was designed in 1958 by an English artist/designer named Gerald Holtom, who had graduated from the Royal College of Arts. Holtom, a conscientious objector who had preferred working…

Christianity-QA Cults and Religions Cults and Religions Basics

What is the origin and meaning of the pentagram?

The pentagram has been used as a religious symbol throughout the world from the beginning of recorded history. The most basic pentagram is simply a five-point star drawn with one continuous line broken into five line segments and with one point of the star facing up. Today, however, when we say “pentagram,” we usually mean…

Christianity-QA Cults and Religions Cults and Religions Basics

Is the Shroud of Turin authentic?

The Shroud of Turin is a linen cloth that some believe to have been the cloth that Jesus Christ was buried in. Each of the three Synoptic Gospels mentions Jesus being wrapped in a cloth when He was taken down from the cross (Matthew 27:59; Mark 15:46; Luke 23:53). The Shroud of Turin was “discovered,”…

Christianity-QA Cults and Religions Cults and Religions Basics

Is there value in studying comparative religions?

“Comparative Religions 101: Study the world’s major faiths and religions side by side and learn their similarities and differences.” This simple course description is included in thousands of college and university catalogs advertising a class that is often required for graduation. Books and websites are devoted to the subject of comparative religions, many times with…

Christianity-QA Cults and Religions Cults and Religions Basics

What are some commonalities in Eastern religions?

Among the faith traditions classified as an Eastern religion, Hinduism and Buddhism from India, and Confucianism and Taoism from China, are among the largest and most influential. Sikhism and Jainism, from India, and Shinto, native to Japan, are also considered Eastern religions, but they are smaller, more regional, and have had less of a global…

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