What is the Gathering of Christ Church?
According to the official website of the Gathering of Christ Church, this religious movement claims to be “sending an epistle throughout the world to the 12 Lost Tribes of Israel, which are scattered abroad and to all the Gentiles who believe the true doctrine of Christ by denouncing paganism and are baptized into the fold…
What is the Bhagavad Gita?
Esteemed as one of the holy scriptures of Hinduism, the Bhagavad Gita, or simply the Gita, is a 700-verse poem contained in the Mahabharata, one of the two major Sanskrit epics of ancient India. The Bhagavad Gita, whose title means “The Song by God,” was penned sometime during the second half of the first millennium.…
Who are the Black Hebrews / Black Israelites?
The terms “Black Hebrews” and “Black Israelites” refer as a categorical whole to several independent sub-sects whose unifying characteristic is that their members are of black African descent who claim Hebrew / Israelite ancestry. Apart from this unifying characteristic, however, these sub-sects are very distinct from one another. For example, members of the Original African…
What is the Hindu caste system?
No nation or people have been liberated from poverty, want, or injustice through Hinduism. While the caste system was officially outlawed in India in 1950, in truth, the Hindu caste system continues to enslave people, binding them in their miseries, and is responsible for unspeakable human suffering. The Hindu caste system divides people into four…
What is Tantra / Tantrism / Tantric religion?
Tantra, also called Tantrism or Tantric religion, is an umbrella concept within Hinduism. Yoga, mantras, the construction of mandalas, visualization, and many other Hindu practices are all part of the larger whole, which is Tantra. To a follower of Hinduism, Tantra is simply an attempt to connect to the divine, to achieve a higher state…
Witnessing to Hindus – what is the key?
The problem with witnessing to the Hindu is that he sees himself as a believer. While trying to witness to a Hindu, we must remember that we are involved in spiritual warfare that can only be won by sincere and focused prayers. So that is the place to begin. Pray regularly for the one to…
What is a mandala in Hinduism?
Mandala is the Sanskrit word for “circle.” The term mandala was introduced into the Buddhist and Hindu religions as an aid to meditation. A mandala is a vaguely circular shape with repeating patterns. Some mandalas include a square with four “gates” within the circle. Each gate has a center point in the form of a…
What is the Hindu Trimurti?
Hinduism is a complicated religion with multiple gods who may or may not all be just avatars (representatives) of the tasks performed by a single supreme lord. Different sects within Hinduism emphasize the worship of different gods based on proclivity, leading, and needs; and different Hindu teachers interpret the same writings with different meanings. The…
I am Jewish, can I become a Christian?
What a wonderful question! Here is my story; the story of another Jew, like yourself, who had asked this very same question many years ago: I grew up in an orthodox Jewish home in New York, and several years ago I came to believe that Yeshua (Yeshua is the Hebrew way to say the Greek…