Category: Regional Religions

Christianity-QA Cults and Religions Regional Religions

What is Santeria?

Santeria (translated as “the way of the saints”) is a religion that began in West Africa and the Caribbean. The basis of Santeria lies in a merging of Yoruba beliefs and practices with elements from Roman Catholic traditions. Santeria emerged as African slaves were brought west and their belief system was made illegal by the…

Christianity-QA Cults and Religions Regional Religions

What is Rastafarianism?

The word “Rastafarianism” often calls to mind the stereotypical images of dreadlocks (long braids or natural locks of hair), ganja (marijuana), the streets of Kingston, Jamaica, and the reggae rhythms of Bob Marley. Rastafarians have no universally acknowledged leaders, no universally agreed-upon defining principles. It is a black consciousness movement—Afro-Caribbean—and there is a split between…

Christianity-QA Cults and Religions Regional Religions

What is Catharism?

Catharism is the term used to describe a set of quasi-Christian beliefs held by a group of medieval ascetics known as the Cathars (or Cathari), which means “pure ones.” According to Catharism, everything physical was created by the evil god of the Old Testament, and everything spiritual was created by the good god of the…

Christianity-QA Cults and Religions Regional Religions

What is the Living Church of God, and what are their beliefs?

The Living Church of God (LCG), headed by Presiding Evangelist Roderick C. Meredith, grew as an offshoot of Herbert W. Armstrong’s Worldwide Church of God. The Living Church of God claims that the name “Church of God” is the only biblical name for a church and was given by God Himself (Acts 20:28). The ways…

Christianity-QA Cults and Religions Regional Religions

What is Cao Dai?

Cao Dai, also called Caodaism, is a syncretic religion native to Vietnam. Cao Dai means “High Tower” or “High Palace.” The term can refer to the dwelling place of the “Supreme Being” or to “God” himself. Cao Dai is the third largest religion in Vietnam today, with about 6 to 8 million followers. Cao Dai…

Christianity-QA Cults and Religions Regional Religions

Are the teachings of Arnold Murray and Shepherd’s Chapel biblical?

Shepherd’s Chapel is a church/ministry in Gravette, Arkansas, USA, known mainly for its television broadcast featuring the Bible teaching of Arnold Murray. Sadly, the teachings of Arnold Murray and Shepherd’s Chapel are full of error. Murray demonstrated the signs of a false prophet. He maintained attitudes that were disturbingly un-Christlike. Murray’s habit of branding everyone…

Christianity-QA Cults and Religions Regional Religions

What is Armstrongism?

Armstongism refers to the teachings of Herbert W. Armstrong, which became the teaching of the Worldwide Church of God. These teachings were often at odds with traditional Christian beliefs and at times were explicitly in contradiction to the Bible. The most well-known of Armstrong’s teachings is that of Anglo-Israelism. This is the belief that modern-day…

Christianity-QA Cults and Religions Regional Religions

What is Iglesia ni Cristo?

Iglesia ni Cristo was founded by Felix Manalo in 1914 in the Philippines. The phrase “Iglesia ni Cristo” is Tagalog (the language of the Philippines) for “Church of Christ.” Sadly, while claiming to be a church, Iglesia ni Cristo has all of the basic elements of a cult. The first and foremost is a single…

Christianity-QA Cults and Religions Regional Religions

What is the Restored Church of God, and what do they believe?

The Restored Church of God (RCG) is one of many offshoots of the original Worldwide Church of God (WCG), founded by Herbert W. Armstrong in 1934. The Restored Church of God was started by David C. Pack in 1999 after he was fired from the Global Church of God. The Restored Church of God claims…

Christianity-QA Cults and Religions Regional Religions

What is Branhamism?

The term Branhamism refers to the teachings of the “prophet” William M. Branham (1909–1965), although those who follow his teaching would not necessarily like the term. His followers might refer to themselves as Branhamites or Message Believers. They believe that William Branham, or “Brother Branham,” was the final prophet to the church, in fulfillment of…

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