What are sacred frequencies?
The New Age movement in the 1970s popularized the concept of sacred frequencies—the belief that hearing sound at certain hertz can lead to spiritual, emotional, and physical healing. Despite the claims of some New Age teachers, and a few popular testimonials on social media, there is no historic or scientific basis for the therapeutic effectiveness…
What is atavism?
Atavism is the tendency to revert to ancient or ancestral roots. An example of atavism in genetics would be a blue-eyed person born in a long line of brown-eyed persons, but whose great-great-grandmother had blue eyes. The word atavism is based on the Latin atavus, meaning “ancestor.” In contemporary society, atavism is illustrated by a…
What is the Unity Church / Unity School of Christianity?
Unity is an organization related to the New Thought movement. It was formerly called Unity Church (or Unity School) of Christianity. It is not to be confused with Unitarian Universalism or Christian Science, although they have many beliefs in common. Unity has its headquarters at Unity Village, near Kansas City, Missouri. From their own website:…
Is the KKK a Christian organization?
On a recent national radio program, the host interviewed several Muslims about Islam and terrorism. He asked, “What is it about Islam that seems to attract or instigate violence?” One of the guests immediately responded, “We could ask the same thing about Christianity. After all, the KKK is a Christian organization.” The issue of the…
What is anthroposophy?
Anthroposophy is rooted in the belief that there is a separate, objective “spiritual world” beyond the physical and that human beings can access that world through the intellect. This approach is variously referred to as either a philosophy or a religion, though adherents often consider it a form of holistic science-spirituality. The term anthroposophy itself…
What is Teilhardism?
Teilhardism is a quasi-religious, mystical approach to evolutionary theory. Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (1881–1955) was a philosopher and Jesuit priest who was also trained as a paleontologist and geologist. Apart from his philosophy, Teilhard de Chardin may be best known for his part in the discovery of Peking Man. Teilhard’s philosophy centered on the Omega…
What is Esoteric Christianity?
Esoteric means “requiring special knowledge to understand; designed for only a select few.” Esoteric Christianity, then, would be a version of “Christianity” that can only be understood or practiced by those who have been properly initiated in secret knowledge. Esoteric Christianity teaches that Christianity is a mystery religion and that only a small minority of…
What is the Christ consciousness?
The term Christ consciousness has gained popularity in recent years as celebrities and public figures claim that they have “found truth” in this form of spirituality. Those championing this idea sometimes call themselves Christians; however, their definition of the word Christian is far different from the biblical meaning. The name of the Lord Jesus Christ…
Should a Christian participate in reflexology?
Reflexology is a system of foot massage (or sometimes hand massage) that focuses on specific “reflex points” in the foot in order to relieve stress or promote healing in other parts of the body. Some who practice reflexology hypothesize that the body contains an energy field, invisible life force, or Qi, the blockage of which…
What is feng shui?
Feng shui, which literally means “wind-water,” is an ancient Chinese system of aesthetics believed to use the laws heaven and earth (astronomy and geography) to help one improve life by receiving positive “qi” or energy flow. Feng shui has a long and complex history as to its uses, techniques, and instruments—particularly prior to the invention…