Category: End Times Events

Christianity-QA End Times End Times Events

What is the Battle of Armageddon?

The word Armageddon is used generically today to refer to any type of catastrophic conflict, especially if it’s seen as likely to result in widespread destruction or the annihilation of human life. In the Bible, Armageddon refers to a climactic future battle between God and the forces of evil, as recorded in the book of…

Christianity-QA End Times End Times Events

Can the return of Christ truly be said to be imminent?

The word imminent means “likely to happen at any moment; impending.” When we speak of the imminence of Christ’s return, we mean that He could come back at any moment. There is nothing more in biblical prophecy that needs to happen before Jesus comes again. The imminence of Christ’s return is generally taught among evangelicals,…

Christianity-QA End Times End Times Events

What is the concept of a secret rapture?

The secret rapture—usually just called the rapture of the church—is the idea that Christ will come to take believers out of the world before His return with them at the second coming. The secret rapture is “secret” in that no one will see Jesus coming except believers; this is in contrast to the second coming…

Christianity-QA End Times End Times Events

Where will Jesus return?

Without a doubt one of the biggest questions in Christianity is “when will Jesus return?” Even a passing glance at the evening news makes it clear that the world is in desperate need for the return of the risen Savior. Another important question is “where will Jesus return?” The Bible seems to indicate that the…

Christianity-QA End Times End Times Events

What is the messianic age / messianic kingdom?

The messianic age or messianic kingdom is the future period of time when the Messiah will reign and bring universal peace to the earth. Christians believe the Messiah is Jesus Christ who came to earth previously, lived a perfect life, died for the sins of the world, and rose again. Many Jews believe that the…

Christianity-QA End Times End Times Events

What is the end times timeline?

Got Questions Ministries takes a pretribulational approach to eschatology. From that perspective, here is the order of end-times events that the Bible reveals: 1. The rapture of the church. Christ comes in the clouds to “snatch away” all those who trust in Him (1 Corinthians 15:52). At this same time, the “dead in Christ” will…

Christianity-QA End Times End Times Events

When is the Rapture going to occur in relation to the Tribulation?

The timing of the rapture in relation to the tribulation is one of the most controversial issues in the church today. The three primary views are pre-tribulational (the rapture occurs before the tribulation), mid-tribulational (the rapture occurs at or near the mid-point of the tribulation), and post-tribulational (the rapture occurs at the end of the…

Christianity-QA End Times End Times Events

When will the Resurrection take place?

The Bible is clear that resurrection is a reality and that this life is not all that there is. While death is the end of physical life, it is not the end of human existence. Many believe in one general resurrection at the end of the age, but the Bible teaches that there will be…

Christianity-QA End Times End Times Events

Will Christians see the Antichrist, or will the rapture occur before then?

There are different views regarding the timing of the rapture in relation to the events of the tribulation period and the appearance of the Antichrist. Our ministry holds to a pretribulational view of the rapture—the view that all believers in Christ will be taken to heaven before the events of the tribulation period begin. First…

Christianity-QA End Times End Times Events

What are the strengths and weaknesses of the midtribulational view of the rapture (midtribulationism)?

Midtribulationism teaches that the rapture occurs at the midpoint of the tribulation. At that time, the seventh trumpet sounds (Revelation 11:15), the church will meet Christ in the air, and then the bowl judgments are poured upon the earth (Revelation 15—16) in a time known as the great tribulation. In other words, the rapture and…

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