Category: End Times

Christianity-QA End Times End Times Events

What is the rapture of the church?

The word rapture does not occur in English translations of the Bible. The term comes from a Latin word meaning “a carrying off, a transport, or a snatching away.” While the word rapture is not in the Bible, the concept of the “carrying off” is clearly taught in Scripture. The rapture of the church is…

Christianity-QA End Times End Times People and Nations

Does the European Union have anything to do with the end times?

End-times prophecies have been of interest to Christians and non-Christians alike for centuries. Attempting to predict the timing of events related to the end times and the key players involved is a favored pastime for students of the Bible. A common and intriguing question has to do with the role of the European Union (EU)…

Christianity-QA End Times End Times Events

Will David reign with Jesus in the Millennial Kingdom?

After the Tribulation and the Battle of Armageddon, Jesus will establish His 1,000-year Kingdom on earth. In Jeremiah 30, God promises Israel that the yoke of foreign oppression would be cast off forever, and “instead, they will serve the Lord their God and David their king, whom I will raise up for them” (verse 9).…

Christianity-QA End Times End Times Events

Will babies and young children be taken in the Rapture?

The Bible does not specifically say what will happen to babies, infants, and children when the rapture occurs. This causes many Christians to worry that they will be taken in the rapture, and their young children will be left behind to face the terrible tribulation. Is this possible? No, we do not believe it is.…

Christianity-QA End Times End Times Events

What are the strengths and weaknesses of the pre-wrath view of the rapture?

There are many opinions regarding eschatology (the doctrine of future things). However, almost all Christians agree on three things: 1) there will be a future time of tribulation, 2) after that time of trouble, Jesus will return to establish His kingdom, and, 3) believers will be translated from their mortal state to an immortal one—in…

Christianity-QA End Times End Times People and Nations

What is the Shemitah?

The Shemitah (sometimes spelled Shemittah or Shmita) is the final year in a seven-year cycle of debt forgiveness and land use prescribed for Israel in the Old Testament. The term Shemitah has been popularized lately with the publication of the book The Mystery of the Shemitah by Rabbi Jonathan Cahn. According to Cahn, the Shemitah…

Christianity-QA End Times Keep Watch

What is the prophecy of St. Malachy?

St. Malachy, whose Gaelic name was Máel Máedóc, was born in Ireland in AD 1094. He became a Catholic priest and later the Archbishop of Armagh. Several miracles have been attributed to him, according to evidence investigated by the Roman Catholic Church. He was the first Irishman to be canonized by the Roman Catholic Church.…

Christianity-QA End Times Keep Watch

Is it possible to unknowingly take the mark of the beast?

The mark of the beast has been a popular topic among Christians and non-Christians for centuries, gaining momentum in recent times. As our world becomes increasingly chaotic, talk of the apocalypse abounds. As our world becomes more technologically advanced, some worry that they might accept the mark of the beast unknowingly. The Mark of the…

Christianity-QA End Times End Times People and Nations

Does a cashless society have anything to do with the end times?

In Revelation 13, the second beast forces everyone in the world to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, and “they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name” (Revelation 13:17). It is often postulated that,…

Christianity-QA End Times Keep Watch

How should a Christian view the Great Reset by the World Economic Forum?

The Great Reset has long been associated with unprovable conspiracy theories about a globalist takeover of world economic and political systems. However, recent developments on the world stage have lent some credence to at least some of the theories. Advocates for the Great Reset are quite vocal about their plans, and they use that term.…

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