Category: False Beliefs about God

Christianity-QA False Beliefs False Beliefs about God

What is ignosticism?

The term ignosticism is most frequently used by those who claim religious terms such as God are vague or poorly defined and are therefore meaningless. Both atheists and agnostics make use of the “ignostic” label, but in all cases it carries the same fundamental idea. Mostly to give a veneer of sophistication, the ignostic position…

Christianity-QA False Beliefs False Beliefs about God

What does it mean to be godless?

The English word godless is used about a dozen times in the Old Testament in the modern versions. The word literally means “without god.” The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines godless as “not acknowledging a deity or divine law.” The godless have no respect for God; their thoughts and words are profane; they act in impious and…

Christianity-QA False Beliefs False Beliefs about God

What is Christless Christianity?

Christless Christianity: The Alternative Gospel of the American Church is a 2008 book by Michael Horton arguing that the American church is heading for a version of Christianity that eagerly accepts Christ’s offer of salvation but considers it to be just another benefit in a life spent pursuing the American Dream. Christless Christianity is a…

Christianity-QA False Beliefs False Beliefs about God

Is atheism a religion?

It will be helpful to define religion before we attempt to classify any belief system, such as atheism, as a religion. These definitions come from 1. A set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, especially when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies, usually involving devotional…

Christianity-QA False Beliefs False Beliefs about God

What is psychotheology?

The term psychotheology is an adaptation of a theory from Sigmund Freud called “psychopathology” in which he suggests that our unconscious mind can influence our daily life by manifesting itself in dreams, forgetfulness, slips of the tongue, or various other behaviors. In psychopathology, the psychological creates the pathology. Similarly, psychotheology claims that the psychological creates,…

Christianity-QA False Beliefs False Beliefs about God

What is kathenotheism?

Kathenotheism is a concept in religious studies that refers to worshipping one god at a time as supreme while accepting the existence of other gods. The term was coined by the German scholar Max Müller in the nineteenth century to describe specific practices in ancient polytheistic religions, particularly in the Vedic tradition of Hinduism. In…

Christianity-QA False Beliefs False Beliefs about God

What exactly is an unbeliever?

A “believer” is a child of God, born again by faith in Jesus Christ (see Acts 2:44); and an “unbeliever” is someone who does not believe in Jesus. In the New Testament, the Greek word apistou is translated “unbeliever.” Its adjective form literally means “not faithful,” and it describes someone lacking in Christian faith. There…

Christianity-QA False Beliefs False Beliefs about God

What is maltheism?

Answer Theism is from theos, the Greek word for “God.” Mal- is from the Latin and means “evil” or “bad.” So, maltheism is the belief that God, if He exists, is really evil. Maltheism would also see praise and worship of God as improper as it simply feeds His egomania. There are no official maltheist…

Christianity-QA False Beliefs False Beliefs about God

What is moral government theology?

Moral government theology traces its roots back to a 16th-century Dutch jurist named Hugo Grotius. Moral government theology cannot truthfully be called a Christian doctrine as it is based on the unbiblical and erroneous idea that both God and man have a form of freedom known as the “power of contrary choice.” For man, this…

Christianity-QA False Beliefs False Beliefs about God

What is Sabellianism?

A third-century presbyter named Sabellius began to emphasize in his church (probably in Rome) the oneness of God, as opposed to God’s tri-unity. In fact, Sabellius went so far as to say that there are no distinctions between the “persons” of the Godhead—the one God manifests Himself at different times and for different purposes in…

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