How should Christians respond when someone claims to be Jesus reincarnated?
Every so often, someone claims to be the reincarnation of Jesus. Some of these individuals even have an appearance similar to popular artistic renderings of Jesus. For a time, these “Jesus reincarnated” claimants gain a following. For various reasons, all of them are eventually exposed as the frauds and charlatans that they are. It’s hard…
What is baptismal regeneration?
Baptismal regeneration is the belief that baptism is necessary for salvation, or, more precisely, that regeneration does not occur until a person is water baptized. Baptismal regeneration is a tenet of numerous Christian denominations, but is most strenuously promoted by churches in the Restoration Movement, specifically the Church of Christ and the International Church of…
Is universalism biblical?
Universalism is the belief that everyone will be saved. There are many people today who hold to universal salvation and believe that all people eventually end up in heaven. Perhaps it is the thought of men and women living a life of eternal torment in hell that causes some to reject the teaching of Scripture…
What is monophysitism / Eutychianism?
Monophysitism is an erroneous or heretical view concerning the nature of Jesus Christ. Two monophysite schools of thought are Eutychianism and Apollinarianism. Monophysitism taught that Christ has one nature—a divine one—not two. Eutychianism specifically taught that Christ’s divine nature was so intermixed with His human nature that He was, in fact, not fully human and…
What is monothelitism?
Monothelitism is a teaching which began in Armenia and Syria in A.D. 633 and had considerable support during the 7th century A.D. before being officially condemned at the Third Council of Constantinople in favor of dyotheletism. It holds that Jesus Christ has essentially two natures but only one will. This is contrary to the orthodox…
What is Apollinarianism?
Apollinarianism was a fourth-century Christian heresy that plagued the early church and that denied the full humanity and perfection of Jesus Christ. It is named after Apollinaris the Younger, who was bishop of the Laodicean church and who originated the teaching c. AD 361. Apollinarianism was rejected in the various early church councils, including the…
Is Jesus Michael the archangel?
Jesus is not Michael the archangel. The Bible nowhere identifies Jesus as Michael (or any other angel, for that matter). Hebrews 1:5-8 draws a clear distinction between Jesus and the angels: “For to which of the angels did God ever say, ‘You are my Son; today I have become your Father’? Or again, ‘I will…
What is adoptionism?
Adoptionism is a heretical theology that claims Jesus was God’s adopted Son. Adoptionism teaches that, because of Jesus’ sinless life, God chose Him and adopted Him. Adoptionism also goes by the name dynamic monarchianism; it was declared a heresy by the church in the second century. Scripture makes it clear that adoptionism is not true.…
What is mythicism?
Mythicism is the belief that Jesus Christ never existed as a historical figure but was derived from a group of mythical gods and demigods from Greek and Roman times. Mythicism claims that, since certain supernatural powers or feats were described prior to the rise of Christianity, then Christians could have simply incorporated them into their…
Is the account of Jesus taken from the story of Serapis Christus?
Some people claim that the accounts of Jesus as recorded in the New Testament are simply recycled myths borrowed from pagan folklore, such as the myth of Serapis (or Sarapis), whom some label Serapis Christus. Other mythological characters sometimes associated with the story of Christ include Osiris, Dionysus, Adonis, Attis, and Mithras. The allegation is…