Is the Word of Faith movement biblical?
Word of Faith teaching is decidedly unbiblical. It is not a denomination and does not have a formal organization or hierarchy. Instead, it is a movement that is heavily influenced by a number of high-profile pastors and teachers such as Kenneth Hagin, Benny Hinn, Kenneth Copeland, Paul and Jan Crouch, and Fred Price. The Word…
Is it possible for gold dust to come down during a church service?
Over the years, various unusual phenomena have occurred that some declare to be the manifestation of the glory of God. One of the most spectacular is that of “gold dust” falling from the ceiling during worship times. This golden film coats the hands and faces of those in attendance, who state that they have no…
Is the concept of personal prophecy biblical?
There are some within the Christian faith, predominantly in Charismatic/Pentecostal churches, who view/practice the gift of prophecy as giving personal advice with a “thus says the Lord” presentation. Sadly, those who practice personal prophecy in this manner are often not any different from those who portray themselves as psychics. In fact, there are prophetic hotlines…
What is Christ Embassy and Atmosphere for Miracles?
Christ Embassy, also known as Believers’ LoveWorld, is an international charismatic ministry founded by Chris Oyakhilome, a pastor, teacher, and self-described healer, in Lagos, Nigeria. A distinctive feature of Oyakhilome’s ministry is the Atmosphere for Miracles program, which televises faith healing meetings. Christ Embassy also operates charities such as the InnerCity Mission for Children, which…
Can we speak things into existence?
Speaking things into existence is solely within God’s power and exclusively His right. When God created the world, He simply spoke, and light appeared (Genesis 1:3); the sky was formed (verses 7–8); dry land emerged (verse 9); vegetation sprang up (verse 11); the sun, moon, and stars appeared (verses 14–15); fish and birds materialized (verses…
Are all prosperity preachers charlatans and/or false teachers?
Before we can give serious attention to this question, we must first define the term prosperity preachers. Different ministries have different approaches to presenting the gospel. For example, relief organizations meet the physical needs of the destitute while giving the credit to Jesus. Some could interpret that approach as preaching prosperity, because many impoverished people…
Is there power in positive confession?
Positive confession is the practice of saying aloud what you want to happen with the expectation that God will make it a reality. It’s popular among prosperity gospel adherents who claim that words have spiritual power and that, if we speak aloud the right words with the right faith, we can gain riches and health,…
What is the open heaven concept?
The idea of “open heaven” is growing in popularity among Charismatics today, who look for tangible proof of heaven on earth and see times of God’s presence being poured out over the life of an individual, a church, a city, or a nation. Such “open heaven” times are characterized by revival, outpoured blessings, and manifestations…
What is the Toronto Blessing?
The Toronto Blessing is a supposed outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the people of the Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship Church, formerly the Toronto Airport Vineyard Church. On January 20, 1994, a Pentecostal pastor named Randy Clark spoke at the church and gave his testimony of how he would get “drunk” in the Spirit and…
What is miracle money, and is it biblical to seek it?
Miracle money is money that miraculously appears in someone’s purse, wallet, pocket, or bank account to demonstrate the power of God. Preachers who allegedly dispense miracle money claim the power to declare “miracle finances” over those at their miracle money crusades, with the result that some congregants find or receive money instantaneously. The aberrant practice…