Category: Family

Christianity-QA Family Having Children

Is it wrong for parents to select the gender of their children?

PGD stands for “pre-implantation genetic diagnosis.” It is a procedure in which a woman’s eggs are collected, fertilized in a dish (through in-vitro fertilization), and then tested for genetic defects. If abnormalities are found, the embryos are destroyed. Though this procedure can be used to select the gender of a child (gender selection), it was…

Christianity-QA Family Family Basics

Should Christians celebrate Mother’s Day?

Mother’s Day—called Mothering Day in the U.K.—can be traced back to ancient pagan practices, but it has gone through a lot of changes and names to get to what we know today. The history of Mother’s Day can be traced back to celebrations of ancient Greece in honor of Rhea, the mother of the gods.…

Christianity-QA Family Raising Children

What does the Bible say about breastfeeding?

To start, it is important to understand that the Bible does not give any specific instructions on breastfeeding. In spite of that, there are Christians who come down very strongly on each side of the debate, often to the detriment of Christian love and unity, not to mention our witness to the world. When Christians…

Christianity-QA Family Raising Children

How should Christian parents respond if one of their children declares as transgender?

The saying, “I would rather have a living daughter than a dead son,” or vice versa, is a popular slogan expressing the response some parents have to their child’s declaration of transgender identity. The saying assumes that, if a son or daughter doesn’t embrace her self-perceived gender identity, she would commit suicide. This argument reflects…

Christianity-QA Family Having Children

What does the Bible say about pregnancy?

Pregnancy begins the moment a male sperm cell fertilizes a female egg within a woman’s body. In that moment, an embryo is formed. Within a few days, that embryo implants in the uterus and begins to grow and develop. For human beings, the length of pregnancy averages 280 days, or 36 weeks. Since the human…

Christianity-QA Family Having Children

What does the Bible say about being or using a surrogate mother?

Using a surrogate mother to bear children for a childless couple is as old as the story of Abraham and Sarah in Genesis chapter 16. Sarah could not bear children, so she gave her servant, Hagar, to Abraham so she could have his children. This was a common practice at the time, since a childless…

Christianity-QA Family Family Relationships

How should a Christian view ADD and ADHD?

The John’s Hopkins Psychiatry Guide defines attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) as “a neurodevelopmental, chronic disorder involving a persistent pattern of inattention and/or hyperactivity/impulsivity that interferes with functioning or development” (, accessed 7/31/2024). Some use the label ADD to refer to symptoms that mostly involve inattention, but the clinical diagnosis is still ADHD. To be diagnosed with…

Christianity-QA Family Family Basics

What does the Bible say about sons?

Son in the Bible is used in several different ways, but it always refers to a relationship or affiliation. In Hebrew, it is ben (think “Benjamin,” which means “son of my right hand”), in Aramaic bar (“Simon Bar-Jonah” of Matthew 16:17), and in Greek, auios. It is most often used to indicate a direct descendent—either…

Christianity-QA Family Having Children

Why should I not have an abortion?

The decision whether or not to have an abortion is painful, complicated, and difficult. If you are willing to listen, we’d like to present some reasons why you should not have an abortion. There are good reasons, spiritual, practical, emotional, and factual, why you should not have an abortion. If you are looking for help…

Christianity-QA Family Raising Children

What is the key to teaching dyslexic children the Bible?

Just as the Lord created us all with unique gifts and talents, He also created us with brains that learn differently. Sunday school teachers and other church workers want to help all the children in their ministry, but they may find it challenging to effectively teach dyslexic children. The good news is that God has…

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