Should a Christian see a psychologist / psychiatrist?
Psychologists and psychiatrists are professionals who work in the field of mental health. People often confuse their roles or mix them up with other mental health professionals such as psychotherapists, psychoanalysts, or mental health counselors. There are many variations of mental health professionals that require several different educational paths and use many treatment methods. Psychologists…
What is Gestalt therapy, and is it biblical?
Because psychology is a study of human behavior and cognition, people sometimes view it as a comprehensive theory of humanity. No single psychological theory, however, accounts for the sum of human life. It is only through knowing God that we can come to understand His creation, especially the nuances of the human mind and the…
What is the biblical view on genetically modified food?
The Bible doesn’t say anything specifically about genetically modified foods, but it does address the role we are to play in caring for the earth. Genesis 1:26-30 tells us that God created Adam and Eve and instructed them to multiply and fill the earth, to subdue it, and rule over every living thing that moves…
What does the Bible say about essential oils?
Essential oils are highly concentrated plant extracts obtained through steam distillation, cold pressing, or resin tapping. These oils are then used for therapeutic benefit as the scent molecules enter the nose and travel through the nervous system. The results are reported to include reduced stress, improved sleep, and relief from pain (see “What are the…
How can I maintain a good attitude when I am struggling with PMS?
Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) has different symptoms for different women. They can include serious physical pain, brain fog, and crankiness. Water retention can range from annoying to painful, and carbohydrate cravings don’t help. To make matters worse, “pre”-menstrual syndrome is rather a misnomer since symptoms can extend into menstruation and even recur during ovulation. Many think…
What is thanatology?
Thanatology is the study of death, dying, and the means by which human beings cope with death. The word itself is derived from the Greek word thanatos, meaning “death.” Today, thanatology mostly involves a forensic approach to death mechanisms as well as psychological aspects of the grieving process. While the study of death might seem…
Is the paleo diet biblical?
The Paleolithic (or paleo) diet is so named for the Paleolithic era and the presumed eating habits of those who lived during that time. Paleo diets are also called Stone Age diets, hunter-gatherer diets, and caveman diets. The paleo diet was designed along the idea that the healthiest way to live is to eat only…
Should a Christian consider alternative medicine?
There are many different forms of alternative medicine available today. This sometimes leads to confusion among Christians as to whether to consider using alternative forms of medicine in place of or in addition to traditional forms. Many kinds of alternative medicine have their origins in non-Christian religions or anti-Christian philosophies. This leads some Christians to…
How can I receive emotional healing?
Emotional healing is something that every person needs, to one degree or another, for we have all been wounded emotionally. There are many variations of emotional brokenness and pain—as many as there are types of people. Whether the cause is natural or because of another’s sin, the majority of people fight some type of emotional…
How can I recover from heartbreak?
The dictionary defines heartbreak as “crushing grief, anguish, or distress.” In today’s world, the term brokenhearted usually describes someone who has suffered a failed relationship or loss of a loved one. A search of the internet makes it appear as though almost all heartbreak comes from divorce or being dropped by a lover. But a…