Category: Counseling and Therapy

Christianity-QA Counseling and Therapy Health

Should a Christian see a psychologist / psychiatrist?

Psychologists and psychiatrists are professionals who work in the field of mental health. People often confuse their roles or mix them up with other mental health professionals such as psychotherapists, psychoanalysts, or mental health counselors. There are many variations of mental health professionals that require several different educational paths and use many treatment methods. Psychologists…

Christianity-QA Counseling and Therapy Health

What is Gestalt therapy, and is it biblical?

Because psychology is a study of human behavior and cognition, people sometimes view it as a comprehensive theory of humanity. No single psychological theory, however, accounts for the sum of human life. It is only through knowing God that we can come to understand His creation, especially the nuances of the human mind and the…

Christianity-QA Counseling and Therapy Health

How should a Christian view psychotherapy?

Psychotherapy, or psychological counseling, is the practice of attempting to heal a person’s emotional and mental problems. The therapeutic practice often centers on regular conversations between a counselor and a client, known as “talk-therapy.” These sessions may include exploring troubling thoughts, fears, and personal history. They might also include exercises to help adjust troublesome thoughts…

Christianity-QA Counseling and Therapy Health

Is EMDR therapy something a Christian can consider?

EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) therapy was developed by Francine Shapiro in the late 1980s. As the therapy has developed, its popularity has increased. The U.S. Departments of Veteran Affairs and Defense recommend EMDR for cases of PTSD, and the American Psychiatric Association also calls it effective. Some Christian therapists are also using EMDR.…

Christianity-QA Counseling and Therapy Health

What is nouthetic counseling?

Nouthetic counseling, more often called biblical counseling, gets its name from the Greek word noutheteo, translated “admonish” in Acts 20:31 (NASB). To admonish is to “confront as a friend” and was the normal method of counseling before the advent of secular psychology in the early 1900s. According to the Mid-America Institute for Nouthetic Studies, “nouthetic…

Christianity-QA Counseling and Therapy Health

What is Adlerian therapy (or Individual Psychology), and is it biblical?

Pop psychology has invaded our television shows and advice columns and is thriving in the self-help industry. Counseling or psychotherapy is increasingly prevalent in society and seemingly well accepted. Christian reaction to secular psychology is cautious, and for good reason. Some secular psychology fails to uphold—or even tolerate—biblical principles. However, psychology is a diverse field…

Christianity-QA Counseling and Therapy Health

What is Jungian analytic psychology, and is it biblical?

Without a doubt, there are many theories of psychology that are at odds with the Bible. However, it is possible to incorporate certain aspects of secular theory into Bible-based counseling. The key is to compare a psychological theory with the truth of the Bible; ideas and methods that line up with Scripture may be helpful.…

Christianity-QA Counseling and Therapy Health

What is psychoanalytic theory, and is it biblical?

Psychology and biblical counseling have a history of opposition. However, there are Christian counselors who use certain techniques found in psychological theories while still giving biblical counsel. The key is to critically evaluate the psychological theory against the truth of the Bible to determine what may be helpful and what is clearly opposed to God.…

Christianity-QA Counseling and Therapy Health

What is behavior therapy, and is it biblical?

Christians have a variety of views concerning psychology. Some accept psychology as a legitimate field of study useful in assisting people with the problems of life. Others reject it outright. Scientists, too, vary in their acceptance of psychology as efficacious; psychology is, in many ways, an art form not always based on measurable evidence. Behavior…

Christianity-QA Counseling and Therapy Health

How does psychology work with Christian counseling?

Psychology and Christianity often find themselves at odds. Some have promoted psychology as a complete answer to the human condition and the key to living a better life. Some psychologies consider faith in God as an illusion created as a sort of coping mechanism. In reaction to these unbiblical ideas, some Christians discount all psychology.…

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