What is postmodern therapy, and is it biblical?
Postmodernism is a worldview opposed to modernism. Rather than rely on scientific fact and a sense of absolute truth, postmodernists believe that reality is constructed. Reality does not exist apart from observation. Many Christians fear to engage postmodernism, as it clearly denies absolute truth and espouses relativism. However, certain of its tenets are worthy of…
What is Christian rehab? When should a Christian consider going to rehab?
Addiction is a serious issue with far-reaching effects. Many times a person’s behavior becomes so entrenched and so harmful that he or she needs treatment in a formal rehabilitation program to begin the process of recovery. Colloquially referred to as “rehab,” most treatment programs include detoxification, group therapy, psycho-education, introduction to outside support groups (generally…
What is the psychology of religion?
The psychology of religion is the study of religion from the human psychological point of view. Those who study religion from the psychological perspective are interested in three primary areas that may be broadly characterized as past, present, and future. Past: What psychological factors gave rise to particular religious beliefs in various societies and cultures,…
How does psychology work with biblical counseling?
Secular psychology is based on the teachings of psychoanalysts such as Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung, and Carl Rogers. Biblical, or nouthetic, counseling, on the other hand, is based squarely on the revealed Word of God. Biblical counseling sees Scripture as sufficient to equip the child of God for every good work (2 Timothy 3:17). Biblical…
How do I choose a good Christian counselor/therapist?
In order to understand Christian therapy or biblical counseling, it is important to know a bit about its history. Psychotherapy is usually associated with Sigmund Freud or Carl Rogers. However, Christians generally view the theories behind psychoanalysis as unbiblical and thus unhelpful in therapy. In the past 50 years, Christians from various professions have sought…
What is Christian psychology?
Robert Roberts and P. J. Watson describe Christian psychology, in part, like this: “We wish to develop a psychology that accurately describes the psychological nature of human beings as understood according to historic Christianity” (“A Christian Psychology View,” Psychology & Christianity: Five Views 2nd ed., IVP Academic, 2010, p. 155). This is meant to be…
What is cognitive-behavior therapy, and is it biblical?
Cognitive-behavior therapy, which is widely used today, grew out of behavioral therapy. Though many Christians are leery of psychology in general, cognitive-behavior theory seems to be more in sync with biblical principles. The following are brief explanations of cognitive-behavior therapy and a biblical analysis of its concepts. Explanation of Cognitive-behavior Therapy Albert Ellis, Aaron Beck,…
What is integrated Christian counseling?
The term integrated Christian counseling describes an approach to counseling that seeks to be grounded in a biblical worldview and include aspects of modern psychology that are compatible with that worldview. Integration is spoken of in regard to the theoretical stance of the counselor and his or her techniques, Christians in the academic field of…
What is conversion/reparative therapy, and is it biblical?
Conversion therapy, also known as reparative therapy, is a blanket term used to describe various methods to “cure” people of homosexuality. In the past century, various psychiatrists, Christian and non-Christian, have proposed techniques for “converting” a homosexual into a heterosexual. In recent years, the psychiatric community has begun to strongly oppose conversion therapy, declaring it…
What is transformational psychology?
Transformational psychology describes a Christian approach to psychology with a heavy spiritual formation focus. Authors John Coe and Todd Hall describe it as “an attempt to both rediscover and redesign our traditional way of thinking of psychology in relation to Christianity, as well as rethinking the very nature of science itself. The bottom line will…