How can I recover from heartbreak?
The dictionary defines heartbreak as “crushing grief, anguish, or distress.” In today’s world, the term brokenhearted usually describes someone who has suffered a failed relationship or loss of a loved one. A search of the internet makes it appear as though almost all heartbreak comes from divorce or being dropped by a lover. But a…
What does the Bible say about loneliness?
Being alone and being lonely are two different things. One can be alone without being lonely, and one can be lonely in a crowded room. Loneliness is, therefore, a state of mind, an emotion brought on by feelings of separation from other human beings. The sense of isolation is very deeply felt by those who…
What does the Bible say about self-image?
Image is always dependent upon perspective. Poor vision or a cloudy mirror can greatly affect how we perceive ourselves (1 Corinthians 13:12). Without an objective standard by which to measure ourselves, our self-image will be blurred (1 Corinthians 4:3–4). The Bible provides guidance regarding the appropriate view of our self-image. All people are created in…
What is the meaning of woe in the Bible?
Woe means “grief, anguish, affliction, wretchedness, calamity, or trouble.” The Dictionary of Bible Themes categorizes the uses of the word woe in the Bible: “Woe as an exclamation of judgment on others,” “Woe as an exclamation of misfortune on oneself,” “Woe as an exclamation of sadness over others,” and “Woe may give way to forgiveness,…
What is false guilt, and how can I avoid it?
Scripture is clear that all humanity is guilty before a holy God. Romans 3 teaches us that there is no person who is righteous and that in the face of a perfect law, all mouths are shut and the whole world lies under judgment (verse 19). Furthermore, John tells us that if we try to…
How can I overcome grieving the loss of a pet?
The loss of a beloved pet can be traumatic. This is especially true when the pet owner has had the pet for a number of years or when the pet reminds us of a deceased loved one. The death of a pet is cause for real grief and should be respected as such. The death…
How can I stop having negative thoughts?
Chronic negative thinking, depression, anxiety, and similar disorders are on the rise all over the world. According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, 40 million adults in the U.S. are affected, which is nearly 20 percent of the population (, accessed 1/29/21). Of that number, many are professing Christians. Fear seems to be…
What does the Bible say about mourning?
Mourning is the state of being in deep grief. We mourn over a profound loss, such as the death of a loved one or a crippling accident. We also mourn over our own sins or mistakes. We mourn for the purity of heart we once enjoyed or for a future our choices have destroyed. Mourning…
What does the Bible say about road rage?
Road rage—a term coined in the late 1980s—denotes a relatively modern phenomenon. Aggressive driving of automobiles did not exist in ancient times. So, to appreciate what the Bible says about road rage, one must understand the term and consider the underlying inclinations that fuel the behavior. Road rage and aggressive driving are often used interchangeably,…
What does the Bible say about angst?
Angst is a deep feeling of anxiety, dread, insecurity, or apprehension. Angst comes from an Indo-European root word that means “anguish, anxiety, or anger.” Sigmund Freud first introduced the word angst to the English language as a term referring to generalized anxiety. Angst differs slightly from true anxiety in that, while anxiety is active, angst…