What is the meaning of woe in the Bible?
Woe means “grief, anguish, affliction, wretchedness, calamity, or trouble.” The Dictionary of Bible Themes categorizes the uses of the word woe in the Bible: “Woe as an exclamation of judgment on others,” “Woe as an exclamation of misfortune on oneself,” “Woe as an exclamation of sadness over others,” and “Woe may give way to forgiveness,…
How can I overcome the pain of past abuse?
Before we talk about abuse, we need to define it. Abuse is the misuse of something that is otherwise good. Substance abuse is the misuse of medicines that, if used properly, can save and improve life. Abuse of power is the misuse of authority that God ordained (Romans 13:1–2). The abuse of a human being…
Is it wrong to take pain medication?
Some people question whether or not it is appropriate for a Christian to take pain medication, since it may affect perception, alter awareness, influence consciousness, or cause physical addiction. We must remember that the Bible does not expressly forbid medicine. Medications are not inherently evil. In fact, the Bible speaks of Timothy’s need to “use…
What is false guilt, and how can I avoid it?
Scripture is clear that all humanity is guilty before a holy God. Romans 3 teaches us that there is no person who is righteous and that in the face of a perfect law, all mouths are shut and the whole world lies under judgment (verse 19). Furthermore, John tells us that if we try to…
What is a eunuch in the Bible?
The eunuchs of the Bible were usually castrated males or those incapable of reproduction due to a birth defect. A eunuch could also be someone who performed work typical of eunuchs, although he remained perfectly capable of having sex—i.e., “eunuch” in some cases was simply a title. The purpose of intentional castration was to induce…
What is Adlerian therapy (or Individual Psychology), and is it biblical?
Pop psychology has invaded our television shows and advice columns and is thriving in the self-help industry. Counseling or psychotherapy is increasingly prevalent in society and seemingly well accepted. Christian reaction to secular psychology is cautious, and for good reason. Some secular psychology fails to uphold—or even tolerate—biblical principles. However, psychology is a diverse field…
What is holy yoga?
Holy yoga or Christian yoga is a movement that combines yoga with Christian practice, attempting to adapt the spiritual content of yoga to a Christian worldview. Yoga has been practiced for decades in some Catholic, Episcopal, and mainline Protestant churches; in more recent years, “holy yoga” has made inroads into some evangelical churches. In the…
How can I overcome grieving the loss of a pet?
The loss of a beloved pet can be traumatic. This is especially true when the pet owner has had the pet for a number of years or when the pet reminds us of a deceased loved one. The death of a pet is cause for real grief and should be respected as such. The death…
What is Jungian analytic psychology, and is it biblical?
Without a doubt, there are many theories of psychology that are at odds with the Bible. However, it is possible to incorporate certain aspects of secular theory into Bible-based counseling. The key is to compare a psychological theory with the truth of the Bible; ideas and methods that line up with Scripture may be helpful.…
How can I stop having negative thoughts?
Chronic negative thinking, depression, anxiety, and similar disorders are on the rise all over the world. According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, 40 million adults in the U.S. are affected, which is nearly 20 percent of the population (https://adaa.org/about-adaa/press-room/facts-statistics, accessed 1/29/21). Of that number, many are professing Christians. Fear seems to be…