What does the Bible say about essential oils?
Essential oils are highly concentrated plant extracts obtained through steam distillation, cold pressing, or resin tapping. These oils are then used for therapeutic benefit as the scent molecules enter the nose and travel through the nervous system. The results are reported to include reduced stress, improved sleep, and relief from pain (see “What are the…
How can I maintain a good attitude when I am struggling with PMS?
Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) has different symptoms for different women. They can include serious physical pain, brain fog, and crankiness. Water retention can range from annoying to painful, and carbohydrate cravings don’t help. To make matters worse, “pre”-menstrual syndrome is rather a misnomer since symptoms can extend into menstruation and even recur during ovulation. Many think…
Should a Christian consider alternative medicine?
There are many different forms of alternative medicine available today. This sometimes leads to confusion among Christians as to whether to consider using alternative forms of medicine in place of or in addition to traditional forms. Many kinds of alternative medicine have their origins in non-Christian religions or anti-Christian philosophies. This leads some Christians to…
Medical marijuana – what does the Bible say?
There is no definitive biblical answer to the question of whether Christians should use medical marijuana, because marijuana for medicinal use is not addressed in the Bible. While there may indeed be some medical benefit in the use of non-smoked marijuana products such as cannabis oil, edibles, and tinctures, this article deals with smoking the…
What does the Bible say about having a living will?
We all die. Physical death is a certainty for all of us, unless we happen to be one of those believers who “are alive and remain” at the time of the rapture (1 Thessalonians 4:15). As the psalmist put it, “Who can live and not see death, or who can escape the power of the…
Should Christian women use tampons?
A tampon is a feminine hygiene product used to stop the menstrual flow during a woman’s monthly cycle. A tampon is a plug of soft, absorbent material inserted into the vagina to absorb blood before it leaves the body, thereby helping a woman stay cleaner during her period. There has been some concern as to…
Is it wrong to take pain medication?
Some people question whether or not it is appropriate for a Christian to take pain medication, since it may affect perception, alter awareness, influence consciousness, or cause physical addiction. We must remember that the Bible does not expressly forbid medicine. Medications are not inherently evil. In fact, the Bible speaks of Timothy’s need to “use…
How should a Christian view prescription drugs?
Many Christians wrestle with their decisions over accepting valid medical therapies, including the use of prescription drugs. The Bible does not give us much on this subject, but if we examine the purposes of prescription drugs we can present an ideal approach to their uses based on biblical principles. We know from Scripture that ill…
How should a Christian view homeopathic medicine?
Homeopathy is a symptom-based method of treating illness and disease by administering substances that would, in a healthy person, produce symptoms similar to those of the disease being treated. The word homeopathy itself means “same suffering”; the idea is that, if something is causing a problem, a little more of the “same” thing will help…
Does the Bible say anything that would apply to getting a massage/massage therapy?
For many, nothing says “relax” like a therapeutic or deep tissue massage. Decades ago, the terms masseuse or masseur implied shady red-light activities, and, in some places, “massage” is still a thin cover for solicitation or prostitution. But in recent years massage therapy has joined the array of luxury services offered at most spas and…