Category: Physical Health Care

Christianity-QA Health Physical Health Care

How should a Christian view Ayurvedic medicine?

The spiritual underpinnings of Ayurvedic medicine are from the Hindu religion. Knowledge of Ayurvedic medicine is supposed to have been handed down from the gods and discovered through meditation. Some of the practices seem to be purely spiritual such as the balancing of the life energies with the life force of the universe. This has…

Christianity-QA Health Physical Health Care

How should a Christian woman deal with menopause?

Like childbirth, menopause is a unique experience for women. There are no hard and fast rules on how it will affect women, only guidelines. Some women experience menopause very early in life, and others much later. Some women go through menopause with little more than hot flashes or night sweats to deal with. Others turn…

Christianity-QA Health Physical Health Care

Should a Christian consider having weight loss / gastric bypass surgery?

When seeking the answer to issues that are not expressly mentioned in the Bible, we can and must “reason” from Scripture. This means we can find principles we can apply to every situation in our lives by comparing Scripture with Scripture in context. Obviously, gastric bypass surgery was not an issue when the Bible was…

Christianity-QA Health Physical Health Care

Can a Christian woman consider getting breast implants?

Breast augmentation is performed by a licensed cosmetic surgeon who inserts implants filled with saline solution, silicone gel, or other substances under the natural breast. Implants come in different sizes to increase a patient’s bust size according to her wishes. Every year, thousands of women go under the knife to increase their bust sizes. If…

Christianity-QA Health Physical Health Care

Should a Christian take ED medications such as Viagra and Cialis?

The surest way to add controversy to any issue is to connect it with sex, and this makes discussions of erectile dysfunction medicines like Viagra and Cialis more difficult than they need to be. Opinions on these drugs are not merely affected by views of pharmacy but also attitudes toward sex and sexuality. In particular,…

Christianity-QA Health Physical Health Care

Should Christians go to doctors?

There are some Christians who believe that seeking medical attention is demonstrating a lack of faith in God. In the Word-Faith movement, consulting a doctor is often considered a lack of faith that will actually prevent God from healing you. In groups such as Christian Science, seeking the help of physicians is sometimes viewed as…

Christianity-QA Health Physical Health Care

How can I quit smoking?

Many Christians who have been heavy smokers for years can readily empathize with the plight of anyone trying to quit smoking and can fully understand the struggle experienced by those who desire to quit. Quitting is certainly not easy, but it can be done. Many two-pack-a-day smokers are now smoke-free and can attest to the…

Christianity-QA Health Physical Health Care

What does the Bible say about a Christian having plastic / cosmetic surgery?

The Bible does not specifically address a Christian having plastic surgery or cosmetic surgery. There is nothing in the Bible to indicate that plastic surgery is, in and of itself, wrong. However, there are several things that one needs to consider before deciding whether or not to undergo these procedures. Altering one’s body is unnatural,…

Christianity-QA Health Physical Health Care

Can a Christian consider using CBD oil?

The question of the permissibility for a Christian to utilize CBD oil for medicinal or therapeutic purposes prompts interesting discussion. Cannabidiol (CBD) is a naturally occurring cannabinoid constituent of cannabis. Most distributors of CBD oil claim that their product has a very low amount of THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), the principal psychoactive constituent of cannabis that can…

Christianity-QA Health Physical Health Care

Should a Christian go to a chiropractor?

The Bible exhorts us to take care of our bodies and to do what we can to stay healthy. If chiropractic treatment can aid in this, there is no reason why we shouldn’t see a chiropractor. The Bible presents good health as a positive thing and something to be sought and appreciated. Common greetings in…

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