What is the biblical view on genetically modified food?
The Bible doesn’t say anything specifically about genetically modified foods, but it does address the role we are to play in caring for the earth. Genesis 1:26-30 tells us that God created Adam and Eve and instructed them to multiply and fill the earth, to subdue it, and rule over every living thing that moves…
Is the paleo diet biblical?
The Paleolithic (or paleo) diet is so named for the Paleolithic era and the presumed eating habits of those who lived during that time. Paleo diets are also called Stone Age diets, hunter-gatherer diets, and caveman diets. The paleo diet was designed along the idea that the healthiest way to live is to eat only…
What does the Bible say about donating blood/blood donations?
The Bible says nothing directly about donating blood or having a blood transfusion because such medical procedures were not possible in the days when the Bible was written. However, we can apply other principles from God’s Word about blood and life and draw wise conclusions about what God thinks about donating blood. We learn, beginning…
What is holy yoga?
Holy yoga or Christian yoga is a movement that combines yoga with Christian practice, attempting to adapt the spiritual content of yoga to a Christian worldview. Yoga has been practiced for decades in some Catholic, Episcopal, and mainline Protestant churches; in more recent years, “holy yoga” has made inroads into some evangelical churches. In the…
Should a Christian be a vegetarian?
Jesus was not a vegetarian. The Bible records Jesus eating fish (Luke 24:42-43) and lamb (Luke 22:8-15). Jesus miraculously fed the crowds fish and bread, a strange thing for Him to do if He was a vegetarian (Matthew 14:17-21). In a vision to the apostle Peter, Jesus declared all foods to be clean, including animals…
What does the Bible say about wasting food?
Food waste is a global concern as hunger continues to be a problem for millions of people worldwide. Each year, nearly 40 percent of all food in the United States is wasted. That equates to about 130 billion meals totaling over $400 billion worth of food thrown away each year (“How We Fight Food Waste…
What does the Bible say about nutrition?
The subject of nutrition, as we think of it today, is not directly mentioned in the Bible—that is, the Bible doesn’t talk about calories and the balance of fat, protein, and carbohydrates a person needs. Neither does it mention GMOs or the benefits of eating whole foods versus processed foods, because the production of food…
How should a Christian view bodybuilding / weightlifting?
Moderation is perhaps the governing concept for a Christian view of bodybuilding/weightlifting. First Timothy 4:8 teaches, “For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come” (emphasis added). Physical fitness is important, and as this verse states, it does…
What is SoulCycle? Should a Christian participate in SoulCycle?
SoulCycle is a fitness company that offers high-energy indoor cycling and spinning workout classes that are popular in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom. It boasts tens of thousands of riders a week who gather “Monday at noon” or whenever else SoulCycle classes are held. Obvious from its name, SoulCycle plays on religious…
What does the Bible say about organ donation?
The Bible does not specifically address the issue of organ transplantation. Obviously, organ transplants would have been unknown in Bible times. However, there are verses that illustrate broad principles that may apply. One of the most compelling arguments for organ donation is the love and compassion such an act demonstrates toward others. The mandate to…