Category: The Identity of the Holy Spirit

Christianity-QA Holy Spirit The Identity of the Holy Spirit

What is the difference between the Holy Spirit and Holy Ghost?

Of the modern English translations of the Bible, it is only the King James Version of the Bible which uses the term “Holy Ghost.” It occurs 90 times in the KJV. The term “Holy Spirit” occurs 7 times in the KJV. There is no clear reason as to why the KJV translators used Ghost in…

Christianity-QA Holy Spirit The Identity of the Holy Spirit

What are the names and titles of the Holy Spirit?

The Holy Spirit is known by many names and titles, most of which denote some function or aspect of His ministry. Below are some of the names and descriptions the Bible uses for the Holy Spirit: Author of Scripture: (2 Peter 1:21; 2 Timothy 3:16) The Bible is inspired, literally “God-breathed,” by the Holy Spirit,…

Christianity-QA Holy Spirit The Identity of the Holy Spirit

Who is God the Holy Spirit?

There is no way to perfectly and completely understand the Trinity. But the Bible is clear that the One True God exists eternally in three Persons: Father, Son, and Spirit. We properly speak of three Persons who share the same divine essence and nature: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.…

Christianity-QA Holy Spirit The Identity of the Holy Spirit

What are some of the symbols of the Holy Spirit in the Bible?

The Bible presents various symbols of the Holy Spirit, each depicting different attributes of His nature or aspects of His work. The dove is perhaps the most recognized symbol of the Holy Spirit in Scripture: “As soon as Jesus was baptized, he went up out of the water. At that moment heaven was opened, and…

Christianity-QA Holy Spirit The Identity of the Holy Spirit

What is the filioque clause / filioque controversy?

The filioque clause was, and still is, a controversy in the church in relation to the Holy Spirit. The question is, “from whom did the Holy Spirit proceed, the Father, or the Father and the Son?” The word filioque means “and son” in Latin. It is referred to as the “filioque clause” because the phrase…

Christianity-QA Holy Spirit The Identity of the Holy Spirit

Is the Holy Spirit a person?

Many people find the doctrine of the Holy Spirit confusing. Is the Holy Spirit a force, a person, or something else? What does the Bible teach? The Bible provides many ways to help us understand that the Holy Spirit is truly a person—that is, He is a personal being, rather than an impersonal thing. First,…

Christianity-QA Holy Spirit The Identity of the Holy Spirit

What does the Holy Spirit do?

The Bible is quite clear that the Holy Spirit is active in our world. The book of Acts, which sometimes goes by the longer title of “The Acts of the Apostles,” could just as accurately be called “The Acts of the Holy Spirit through the Apostles.” After the apostolic age, there have been some changes—the…

Christianity-QA Holy Spirit The Identity of the Holy Spirit

Who is the Holy Spirit?

There are many misconceptions about the identity of the Holy Spirit. Some view the Holy Spirit as a mystical force. Others see the Holy Spirit as an impersonal power that God makes available to followers of Christ. What does the Bible say about the identity of the Holy Spirit? Simply put, the Bible declares that…

Christianity-QA Holy Spirit The Identity of the Holy Spirit

Should we worship the Holy Spirit?

We know that only God should be worshiped (see Exodus 34:14 and Revelation 22:9). Only God deserves worship. The question of whether we should worship the Holy Spirit is answered simply by determining whether the Spirit is God. If the Holy Spirit is God, then He can and should be worshiped. Scripture presents the Holy…

Christianity-QA Holy Spirit The Identity of the Holy Spirit

Why is the dove often used as a symbol for the Holy Spirit?

All four Gospel accounts refer to the baptism of Jesus by John at the Jordan River (Matthew 3:16; Mark 1:10; Luke 3:22; John 1:32). Luke says, “And the Holy Spirit came down in a bodily shape, like a dove on Him.” Because the Holy Spirit is just that—spirit—He is not visible to us. On this…

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