What does it mean that Jesus is our Redeemer?
A redeemer is someone entrusted with securing one’s release from oppression, harm, evil, enslavement, or some other binding obligation. A redeemer restores the lost rights and freedoms of another by avenging any wrongs and paying whatever price is required to set that person free. The role of “Redeemer” is uniquely assigned to Jesus Christ, who…
What does Jesus mean when He says, “Verily, verily” or “Truly, truly,” in the gospels?
At various times in the gospels, Jesus introduces a statement using phrases such as “Verily, I say” or “Truly, I say this to you.” In the Gospel of John, Jesus frequently uses the phrase “Truly, truly” (ESV) or “Verily, verily” (KJV) or “Very truly” (NIV). These expressions all use the Greek word amēn, taken directly…
Why did Jesus command people to not tell others of the miracles He performed?
After healing a man of leprosy (Mark 1:41-42), “Jesus sent him away at once with a strong warning: ’see that you don’t tell this to anyone…’” (Mark 1:43-44). To our way of thinking, it would seem that Jesus would want everyone to know about the miracle. But Jesus knew that publicity over such miracles might…
Where is Jesus now? Is Jesus in heaven?
According to Mark 16:19 and 1 Peter 3:22, Jesus is in heaven right now at the right hand of God the Father. Luke 24:51 and Acts 1:9-11 describe the bodily ascension of Jesus, which occurred 40 days after His resurrection. Jesus had told His disciples that He was going to prepare a place for them…
Does the Bible describe Jesus being worshiped?
Worship means “reverence paid to a divine being.” If Jesus was offered and accepted worship, then by doing so He was confirming His divinity. This is important because there are those who deny the deity of Christ, relegating Him instead to a lesser position than God. Yes, Jesus accepted worship. As the second Person of…
How many prophecies did Jesus fulfill?
Answer The Bible is the story of human history and God’s work in it. The most significant event in human history is the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The story of this event permeates the text of Scripture. The creation account shows us God’s sovereignty over His creation. The fall shows us why we…
Why was Jesus’ ministry so short?
Jesus’ public ministry, from His baptism to His ascension, was only about three-and-one-half years long. When we compare the length of time Jesus ministered in this world with the lengthy service of a William Carey or a Billy Graham, His time was indeed short. From a human perspective, the ultimate reason why Jesus’ ministry was…
Is Jesus in the Old Testament?
Jesus shows up often in the Old Testament—not by that name, and not in the same form as we see Him in the New Testament, but He is there nonetheless. The theme of the entire Bible is Christ. Jesus Himself confirmed the fact that He is in the Old Testament. In John 5:46 He explained…
What is the Passover Lamb?
The Passover lamb was the animal God directed the Israelites to use as a sacrifice in Egypt on the night God struck down the firstborn sons of every household (Exodus 12:29). This was the final plague God issued against Pharaoh, and it led to Pharaoh releasing the Israelites from slavery (Exodus 11:1). After that fateful…
How many times did Jesus cleanse the temple?
Jesus cleansed the temple of the money-changers and sellers of merchandise because of His disgust at what they had made of God’s house of prayer and His zeal to purify it from the abuse of ungodly men. Judea was under the rule of the Romans, and the money in current use was Roman coin. However,…