How do I share the gospel with a ______?
Humans have a tendency to self-classify based on certain identifiers and to group together with others who are alike. For example, we might define ourselves or others based on ethnicity or interests or political affiliations or countries of origin or lifestyles or the like. In discussions of sharing the gospel, we sometimes wonder if there…
Is handing out gospel tracts a good evangelism method?
Any method that results in people hearing/reading and understanding the biblical gospel is a good evangelism method. Gospel tracts are small booklets that present the gospel, usually based on a specific theme. The theme may be a holiday, a timely issue, a movie or TV show, a book series, a musician, etc. – there are…
How can I help new believers?
Nothing is more exciting than seeing someone come to faith in Christ. Seeing God open closed hearts and illuminate dark minds is a rewarding part of belonging to His spiritual family. But just as important as new believers coming to faith in Christ is the growth that must follow that new birth (John 3:3; 2…
How can I be an effective witness for Christ in a lost world?
A “witness” is someone who attests to a fact, so in order to be an effective witness for Christ, one must have firsthand knowledge of Him. John the Apostle speaks of this in 1 John 1:1-3, when he says, “That . . . which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked at,…
What is friendship evangelism?
Friendship evangelism as a method of bringing people to Christ or sharing the gospel of Christ has several meanings and connotations. Some people believe that friendship evangelism requires Christians to become friends with unbelievers, establishing a relationship before attempting to address their need for a Savior. Some see friendship evangelism as living a solid, righteous…
Should I share my Christian faith with someone of the opposite gender?
The Bible does not give specific guidelines concerning sharing one’s faith with the opposite gender/sex. We do have the example of Jesus, who spoke one-on-one to a Samaritan woman about her spiritual need (John 4). And in the book of Acts, Priscilla and Aquila speak to a man named Apollos about the gospel (Acts 18:26);…
What is personal evangelism?
Personal evangelism is the act of a person sharing the gospel with another. There are many different methods of personal evangelism, and it is a hot topic within Christianity. Books, classes, and seminars are dedicated to the subject of witnessing, soul-winning, and helping others find salvation through faith in Jesus Christ. Not every method is…
What is the biblical method of evangelism?
When trying to decide how to share Christ with someone, the starting point should be the same as that of John the Baptist and Jesus Himself. Matthew 3:2 tells us that John began his ministry with the words “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near.” Repentance refers to a “change of mind,” which implies…
Why is making disciples important?
The making of disciples is our Lord’s means for answering the prayer, “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name, Your kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven” (Matthew 6:9-10). In His infinite wisdom, Jesus chose to use dedicated followers, His disciples, to carry the message of salvation to…
Is it true that Christians should “preach the gospel and, if necessary, use words”?
The saying “preach the gospel and, if necessary, use words” is traditionally attributed to the medieval Catholic friar, Francis of Assisi (1181—1226). However, there is no historical or literary evidence that he said it. Despite the lack of clarity concerning its origin, the saying remains popular in discussions promoting Christian missions and evangelism. It highlights…