How did Timothy die?
Timothy’s death is not recorded in the Bible. According to extrabiblical church tradition, Timothy remained in Ephesus for the rest of his life, until he was martyred for his faith. Some of this does seem to correlate with a detail found in Paul’s final letters to Timothy. In 1 Timothy, Paul urged his young protégé…
Who was Elijah in the Bible?
The prophet Elijah is one of the most interesting and colorful people in the Bible, and God used him during an important time in Israel’s history to oppose a wicked king and bring revival to the land. Elijah’s ministry marked the beginning of the end of Baal worship in Israel. Elijah’s life was filled with…
What can we learn from the tribe of Manasseh?
Israel’s twelve tribes were named for Jacob’s children or, in the case of Manasseh (and Ephraim), his grandchildren. After Jacob wrestled with Him all night, God renamed Jacob “Israel,” which means “you have struggled with God and men and have overcome” (Genesis 32:22–30). The name Israel represents not only the modern-day country but also, originally,…
Why did God sometimes change a person’s name in the Bible?
When God changed a person’s name and gave him a new name, it was usually to establish a new identity. God changed Abram’s name, meaning “high father,” to “Abraham,” meaning “father of a multitude” (Genesis 17:5). At the same time, God changed Abraham’s wife’s name from “Sarai,” meaning “my princess,” to “Sarah,” meaning “mother of…
What can we learn from the relationship of Moses and Aaron?
Aaron was the elder brother of Moses, who led the Israelites out of Egyptian slavery. Aaron was three years old when Moses was born (see Exodus 7:7), but we don’t know how old their sister, Miriam, was at the time. There may have been a significant age gap between Miriam and Moses, because Miriam was…
Who were the Cushites?
Cushites were people from the land of Cush/Kush (or “Cushan” in Habakkuk 3:7). Cush, the place, was named after Cush, the man, the oldest son of Ham (Genesis 10:6). Ham was one of the three sons of Noah to survive the global flood. Cush was the father of Nimrod the hunter (Genesis 10:8–9). Much later,…
Who was Sarah in the Bible?
Sarai began her life in the pagan world of Ur, in the land of the Chaldees, which was located in the area now known as Iraq. She was the half-sister, as well as the wife, of Abram, who would be called Abraham. Sarai and Abram had the same father but different mothers, according to Genesis…
Who was Mary Magdalene?
Mary Magdalene was a woman from whom Jesus cast out seven demons (Luke 8:2). The name Magdalene likely indicates that she came from Magdala, a city on the southwest coast of the Sea of Galilee. After Jesus cast seven demons from her, she became one of His followers. Mary Magdalene has been associated with the…
Who was Zadok in the Bible?
Zadok son of Ahitub was a Levite priest during the time of King David. For a long time, he was co-high priest with Abiathar. Zadok was a descendant of Aaron and a leader over his family of Levites (1 Chronicles 27:17). When Absalom conspired against his father, David, David was forced to flee from Jerusalem…
Who was Beelzebub?
Beelzebub is the Greek form of the name Baal-zebub, a pagan Philistine god worshiped in the ancient Philistine city of Ekron during the Old Testament times. It is a term signifying “the lord of flies” (2 Kings 1:2). Archaeological excavations at ancient Philistine sites have uncovered golden images of flies. After the time of the…