Category: Old Testament Individuals

Christianity-QA Old Testament Individuals People in the Bible

Who was Obed in the Bible?

The name Obed means “serving” or “worshiping,” and there are several men listed in the Bible named Obed. The most notable Obed in Scripture is the son of Ruth and Boaz (Ruth 4:17; Matthew 1:5). Obed’s mother, Ruth, was a Moabitess who immigrated to Bethlehem with her mother-in-law, Naomi. Boaz was a landowner who became…

Christianity-QA Old Testament Individuals People in the Bible

Who was Japheth in the Bible?

Japheth was one of three sons of Noah, the righteous man whose family God saved from the great flood. Hundreds of years after God created the world, man had fallen into such a state of depravity that “the Lord regretted that he had made human beings on the earth, and his heart was deeply troubled”…

Christianity-QA Old Testament Individuals People in the Bible

Who was Balak in the Bible?

Balak was a king of Moab who appears in the Old Testament in Numbers 22—24. His story is in the context of the time of the Israelites’ journey to the Promised Land. Moab, the land that Balak ruled, lay on the east side of the Dead Sea. As the Israelites traveled to Canaan, their reputation…

Christianity-QA Old Testament Individuals People in the Bible

Who was Baruch in the Bible?

There are several men in the Bible named Baruch. The name Baruch means “blessed” and is still in use today. Nehemiah mentions the name Baruch three times, referring to two or perhaps three different individuals (see Nehemiah 3:20; 10:6; and 11:5). Little information is given about these individuals other than that they were involved in…

Christianity-QA Old Testament Individuals People in the Bible

Who was Hur in the Bible?

There are three separate men named Hur mentioned in the Bible, all in the Old Testament. The least-known of the three is simply mentioned by name in Nehemiah 3:9. He was the father of Rephaiah, one of the rulers of Jerusalem who repaired a section of the walls of Jerusalem when Nehemiah was overseeing the…

Christianity-QA Old Testament Individuals People in the Bible

Who was Eve in the Bible?

Eve in the Bible was the wife of Adam, the first man that God created. Eve was the mother of Cain and Abel and Seth and “other sons and daughters” (Genesis 4:1–2, 25; 5:4). Eve was the first woman, the first wife, and the first mother in the world. The name Eve comes from the…

Christianity-QA Old Testament Individuals People in the Bible

Who was King Jehoram / Joram in the Bible?

There are two kings in the Bible referred to as King Jehoram/Joram. The first was the son of King Jehoshaphat, and he ruled in the southern kingdom of Judah from 853 to 841 BC. The other King Jehoram was the son of the wicked King Ahab, and he ruled in the northern kingdom of Israel…

Christianity-QA Old Testament Individuals People in the Bible

Who was Rahab in the Bible?

In the book of Joshua, we are introduced to one of the most thought-provoking and astonishing heroines of the Old Testament. Rahab, the prostitute of the Canaanite city of Jericho, ultimately is noteworthy for her great faith and for her place in the lineage of Jesus Christ. But a closer examination of the life of…

Christianity-QA Old Testament Individuals People in the Bible

Who was Abel in the Bible?

Abel was the second son of Adam and Eve (Genesis 4:2). The meaning of his name is uncertain; some believe that Abel means “breath” or “vanity,” and others believe it is a form of the word for “shepherd.” Abel was a righteous man who pleased God. Abel was a shepherd and is known for bringing…

Christianity-QA Old Testament Individuals People in the Bible

Who was Adam in the Bible?

Adam was the first man to ever exist (Genesis 1:27; 1 Corinthians 15:45). He was created by God as the first human being and placed in the Garden of Eden designed just for him (Genesis 2:8, 10). Adam is the father of all mankind; every human being who has ever existed is a direct descendant…

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