Christianity-QA Places in the Bible Places inside Israel
What is the significance of Chorazin in the Bible?
Chorazin, or Korazim, was a city in the Upper Galilee region sitting upon a hill above the northern shore of the Sea of Galilee, close to Capernaum. Along with Bethsaida and Capernaum, Chorazin was part of the “evangelical triangle” of cities where Jesus Christ most commonly walked, taught, and performed miracles during His earthly ministry.…
Christianity-QA Places in the Bible Places inside Israel
What is the significance of Nain in the Bible?
The city of Nain is mentioned only once in the Bible, but it was the site of one of Jesus’ greatest miracles. Luke 7:11–17 details the account of Jesus traveling through the town of Nain. As He approached the city gate, a funeral procession was in progress. Jesus noticed the mother, a widow, weeping as…