What is the key to learning how to pray?
In seeking the key to learning how to pray, we must value the word learn. Coincidentally, the key to prayer is the same as the key to discipleship. The word disciple literally means “learner,” and if you’re going to be a student of prayer, your posture requires two things: humility and a teacher. Prayer acquaints…
What does the Bible say about praying to the dead?
Praying to the dead is strictly forbidden in the Bible. Deuteronomy 18:11 tells us that anyone who “consults with the dead” is “detestable to the Lord.” The story of Saul consulting a medium to bring up the spirit of the dead Samuel resulted in his death “because he was unfaithful to the LORD; he did…
Is the Now I lay me down to sleep prayer in the Bible?
The Now I lay me down to sleep prayer is not from the Bible, although it expresses some biblical themes. While there are various forms of the Now I lay me down to sleep prayer, the most commonly known one reads like this: Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my…
What is prayer walking?
Prayer walking is the practice of praying on location, a type of intercessory prayer that involves walking to or near a particular place while praying. Some people believe that being close to a location allows them to “pray nearer to pray clearer.” Prayer walks are taken by individuals, groups, and even whole churches. They can…
How and why should we pray for our leaders?
The concept of praying for our leaders is not unique to democratic nations, and it did not begin with the United States’ National Day of Prayer. The Bible contains many commands to pray for our leaders—national and local, secular and religious. Paul wrote in 1 Timothy 2:1–4, “I urge, then, first of all, that petitions,…
If Jesus condemned the Pharisees for praying out loud, should we pray aloud?
There are several references in the New Testament to public prayers that are unacceptable, and it is true that Jesus condemned the Pharisees’ manner of praying. But Jesus Himself prayed out loud on occasion (see John 17), as did the apostles (Acts 8:15; 16:25; 20:36). Acts 1:14 says, “They all joined together constantly in prayer,…
Is there anything wrong with repetitive prayer?
The phrase repetitive prayer can mean a few different things. Depending on what exactly is meant by “repetitive,” there may or may not be a problem with repetitive prayer. Repetitive Prayer—Mantras Prayer that is repetitive in the sense that a person repeats the same phrase over and over as some sort of mantra or formula…
Does God answer prayers?
The short answer to this question is, “Yes!” God has promised that, when we ask for things that are in accordance with His will for our lives, He will give us what we ask for (1 John 5:14–15). However, there is one caveat to add to this: we may not always like the answer. We…
What sort of prayers should we pray for unbelievers?
We can learn how to pray for unbelievers by modeling the prayers Jesus prayed. John 17 is Jesus’ longest recorded prayer and shows us how He prayed. Verse 3 says, “Now this is eternal life: that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.” He prayed that people come…
What is the proper way to pray?
Is it best to pray standing up, sitting down, kneeling, or bowing down? Should our hands be open, closed, or lifted up to God? Do our eyes need to be closed when we pray? Is it better to pray in a church building or out in nature? Should we pray in the morning when we…