Category: Prayer Specifics

Christianity-QA Prayer Prayer Specifics

What is the meaning and purpose of saying grace before a meal?

“Saying grace” refers to the practice of thanking God for the food before a meal. It is also called “saying the blessing.” Such prayers follow the examples of Jesus and the apostle Paul, both of whom “said grace” before meals (see Acts 27:35). Matthew records two instances of Jesus feeding thousands of people with only…

Christianity-QA Prayer Prayer Specifics

How can I know what to pray for?

From the Old Testament to the New, God commands people to pray. When we’re facing a crisis, we have no trouble knowing what to pray for (see 2 Chronicles 7:13–14). We ask the Lord for help, deliverance, provision, or healing. At other times, we know we should pray, but we’re not sure what to pray…

Christianity-QA Prayer Prayer Specifics

Is the concept of a prayer journal biblical?

A prayer journal is a written record, kept regularly, of one’s experiences in prayer. A prayer journal is often filled with written prayers, specific prayer requests, notes on when and how those requests were answered by God, and expressions of praise and thanksgiving. Due to their very nature, prayer journals are usually kept private. Prayer…

Christianity-QA Prayer Prayer Specifics

Is there any scriptural basis for praying on behalf of the unsaved?

Christians are people of prayer (1 Thessalonians 5:17), and some of our prayer requests are in regards to the spiritual condition of our unsaved friends and relatives. We want them to be saved, and we pray to that end. In this we agree with Charles Spurgeon, who said, “If sinners be damned, at least let…

Christianity-QA Prayer Prayer Specifics

Silent prayer – is it biblical?

The Bible gives an example of silent prayer in Hannah’s inaudible petition (1 Samuel 1:10, 13), but it does not give specific instructions on praying silently. That does not mean that silent prayer is any less valid than praying out loud—Hannah’s prayer was answered, after all. God can hear our thoughts just as easily as…

Christianity-QA Prayer Prayer Specifics

Is it acceptable to repeatedly pray for the same thing?

In Luke 18:1-7, Jesus uses a parable to illustrate the importance of persevering in prayer. He tells the story of a widow who came to an unjust judge seeking justice against her adversary. Because of her persistence in prayer, the judge relented. Jesus’ point is that if an unjust judge will grant the petition of…

Christianity-QA Prayer Prayer Specifics

Why do we pray before eating meals?

Christians frequently pray before meals, giving thanks to God for the food we are about to eat. Pre-meal prayers can be a simple “thank you” to God for the meal or lengthier prayers of thanksgiving for all of His provisions in our lives. In praying before meals, we are following the example of the Lord…

Christianity-QA Prayer Prayer Specifics

What is a prayer closet?

After a short discourse on the follies of trying to appear religious in front of people, Jesus talks about prayer. “And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have…

Christianity-QA Prayer Prayer Specifics

Does praying Scripture have greater effectiveness than other prayers?

Some people have found that using Bible verses in their prayers is an effective way to pray. “Praying Scripture back to God” seems to help to focus the mind and to assure that the subject matter of the prayer is pleasing to God. James 5:16 says, “The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth…

Christianity-QA Prayer Prayer Specifics

What is a morning prayer / evening prayer?

Many Christians pray a morning prayer when they awake and an evening prayer before they go to bed. Christian children are often taught to “say their prayers” before they go to bed every night as a way to honor God and nurture spiritual development. In some churches, morning and evening prayers are liturgical prayers one…

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