Category: Islamic Beliefs

Christianity-QA Islamic Beliefs Questions about Islam

Witnessing to Muslims – what is the key?

As a preface to this article, please see our article on “What is Islam, and what do Muslims believe?” Through the gospel of Jesus Christ, God offers—and true disciples of Jesus have received—that which everyone in the world, including every Muslim, needs and many long for: forgiveness for their sins, a loving heavenly Father with…

Christianity-QA Islamic Beliefs Questions about Islam

Can keeping the Five Pillars of Islam get me to heaven?

Because God is just, He will punish sin—regardless of how well you keep the Five Pillars of Islam. As a Muslim, you long to reach paradise after you die. But as a sinner, how will you escape God’s judgment? You may think, “My faithfulness in keeping the Five Pillars may outweigh my sins. Hopefully, God…

Christianity-QA Islamic Beliefs Questions about Islam

How should Christians view the idea of Muslims having dreams/visions about Jesus?

There are many reports of Muslims converting to Christianity due to having a dream or experiencing a vision in which Jesus appeared to them. The accounts vary, but most of them have some details in common: 1) Jesus appears to them. 2) Jesus tells them to find and speak to a person at a certain…

Christianity-QA Islamic Beliefs Questions about Islam

Why don’t Christians fast the same as Muslims?

Both Muslims and Christians fast, but their purposes for fasting differ. In order to keep one of the Five Pillars, a Muslim is obligated to fast during Ramadan. The Bible teaches that fasting merits neither God’s favor nor a place in paradise. Christians may fast for one of the following reasons: • To demonstrate their…

Christianity-QA Islamic Beliefs Questions about Islam

Is it allowable for a Christian to eat halal food?

The word halal means “permissible” in Arabic. It refers to food, objects, or actions that are allowed in Islam. Among other things, halal meat must be killed with a sharp knife and drained of blood. No carnivorous animals, birds of prey, or meat contaminated with non-permissible substances can be used. This, in and of itself,…

Christianity-QA Islamic Beliefs Questions about Islam

Should Christians be concerned about the idea of Sharia Law?

First, we should define Sharia Law. Sharia is, as expressed in the Qur’an and the Sunnah, divine law. The Sunnah is a record of the life and example of the Islamic prophet Muhammad. The Sunnah is primarily contained in the Hadith or reports of Muhammad’s sayings, his actions, his tacit approval of actions, and his…

Christianity-QA Islamic Beliefs Questions about Islam

What are jinn?

Jinn (singular, jinni; also spelled djinni or genie) is an Arabic word that literally means “to hide.” Jinn are supernatural creatures found in Islamic and Arabic writings, particularly the Quran. The Quran says that the jinn were created from a “smokeless and scorching fire,” separately from humans or angels. However, they can appear in human…

Christianity-QA Islamic Beliefs Questions about Islam

Why do Muslim women have to wear a hijab?

The word hijab means “curtain” or “hiding, obstructing” in Arabic. Hijab can also refer to the Islamic dress code itself, in which case it conveys the level of modesty displayed by a Muslim woman. In the Islamic tradition, women wear scarves (hijabs), which cover their hair and frame their faces as a form of modesty…

Christianity-QA Islamic Beliefs Questions about Islam

What is the significance of Mecca in Islam?

For the Islamic religion, there is no holier city than Mecca (Makkah). This is the birthplace of the prophet Muhammad and was central to the development of Muslim faith and practice. Mecca is located in the western edge of modern-day Saudi Arabia, close to the other holy city of Islam, Medina. One of the Five…

Christianity-QA Islamic Beliefs Questions about Islam

How can I, a Muslim, become assured of paradise?

“Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life, but whoever rejects the Son will not see life, for God’s wrath remains on him” (John 3:36). Jesus said, “For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?” (Mark 8:36). Life on earth is short. No matter…

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