Category: Islamic Beliefs

Christianity-QA Islamic Beliefs Questions about Islam

What is the Shahada in Islam?

Shahada is Arabic for “testimony” or “witness.” The Shahada is the first pillar of Islam and is the Islamic creed: “There is no god but Allah, and Mohammad is the messenger [or prophet] of Allah.” Transliterated from the Arabic, the Shahada looks like this: La ilaha illa Allah wa-Muhammad rasul Allah. The Shahada is a…

Christianity-QA Islamic Beliefs Questions about Islam

Do Christians and Muslims worship the same God?

The Muslim and Christian views of God have some similarities. Christians believe in one eternal God Who created the universe, and Muslims apply these attributes to Allah. Both view God as all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-present. A vital difference between the Islamic and Christian views of God is the biblical concept of the Trinity. In the…

Christianity-QA Islamic Beliefs Questions about Islam

I am a Muslim. Why should I consider becoming a Christian?

People often follow the religion of their parents or culture, whether Muslim, Buddhist, or Catholic. But when we stand before God on Judgment Day, each person must give account for himself—whether he believed in God’s truth. But among so many religions, what is the truth? “Jesus answered, ‘I am the way and the truth and…

Christianity-QA Islamic Beliefs Questions about Islam

What is Ramadan?

Ramadan is a holy month in the religion of Islam and is marked by a time of required fasting. Observance of Ramadan is one of the Five Pillars of Islam. By fasting during this month, Muslims believe they earn spiritual rewards and draw closer to Allah. Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar,…

Christianity-QA Islamic Beliefs Questions about Islam

Do Christians believe in three gods?

If you’re a Muslim, you may think Christians believe in three gods. That idea is as blasphemous to Christians as to you. There is one God! Christians believe in one God. In the Holy Bible, God commands, “You shall have no other gods before me” (Exodus 20:3). When asked for the greatest command, Jesus responded,…

Christianity-QA Islamic Beliefs Questions about Islam

How is the Islamic idea of jihad different from the violence in the Bible?

Immediately following the horrific terrorist attacks on 9/11, many Westerners began to take notice of Islam for the first time. Many were shocked to find out that Islam’s holy book (the Koran) provides specific injunctions to engage in acts of violence as part of the “holy war” (jihad) in the cause of their religion. Soon…

Christianity-QA Islamic Beliefs Questions about Islam

How can Christians be sensitive to Muslim/Islamic culture?

As a preface to this article, please see our article on “What is Islam, and what do Muslims believe?” Knowing and understanding Muslims can go a long way to breaking down cultural barriers and dispelling myths about Islamic culture and beliefs. Note, while the below principles apply to most Muslims, in no sense do they…

Christianity-QA Islamic Beliefs Questions about Islam

What is Islamophobia?

Islamophobia, as commonly defined, is an irrational fear or hatred of the Islamic religion or of Muslims—a fear or hatred that manifests itself in discrimination. The term Islamophobe is often used to smear anyone who disagrees with any tenet of Islam or who acknowledges that an act of terror might have been perpetrated by Muslims.…

Christianity-QA Islamic Beliefs Questions about Islam

Who is Allah?

Allah is an Arabic word that means “God” or, more accurately, “the God.” In Western culture, it is commonly believed that the word Allah is used exclusively by Muslims to describe their god, but this is not actually true. The word Allah is used by Arabic speakers of all Abrahamic faiths (including Christianity and Judaism)…

Christianity-QA Islamic Beliefs Questions about Islam

Why did Jesus have to die?

Jesus died on the cross to bear sin’s punishment for believers. Many people have doubted Jesus’ death on the cross and resurrection from the grave, despite historical evidence. Muslims question, “Why would Allah require His prophet Isa to die?” The Scripture explains that Jesus Christ died for our sins: “Christ died for our sins in…

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