What is the Qur’an?
The Qur’an—often spelled as Quran or Koran—is the primary holy text of the Islamic faith. According to Muslim beliefs, the words of the Qur’an were dictated to Muhammad, who relayed them orally to his followers. The term Qur’an literally means “the recitation.” This message was delivered by Muhammad approximately 600 years after the earthly ministry…
What is Wahhabism?
Wahhabism is an intolerant and aggressive form of Sunni Islam practiced primarily in Saudi Arabia, but also to a lesser extent in Qatar with some influence in the surround nations. It seeks to purify Islam from any practices or innovations that do not come from the teachings of Muhammad. The term Wahhabi is from the…
How does the preservation of the Qur’an compare to the preservation of the Bible?
The Qur’an has no manuscript support because of the way it was compiled into written form. Islam’s primary holy text was not a “text” at all until decades after the death of Muhammad. At that time, oral remembrances and assorted notes were edited and converted into print by one of his successors. All other written…
Does the Qur’an replace the Bible?
Rather than replacing, the Qur’an urges Muslims to read the Bible. Many Muslims have never read the Bible because they think the Qur’an has replaced it. The Qur’an, however, never claims to annul the Bible. The Qur’an praises the Bible as God’s guiding truth (Surah 5:46; 3:3; 10:94-95). Some Muslims say that just as the…
Have Christians corrupted the Bible?
Some Muslims accuse Christians of corrupting the Bible. While this charge would explain the differences between the Qur’an and the Bible, the allegation has no credible evidence. The Qur’an praises the Bible, and scholars verify the Bible’s authenticity. The Bible is commended in the Qur’an Islam teaches that the Bible has been corrupted. However, the…
Do the Qur’an and Muhammad affirm or reject the Bible?
The Qur’an praises the Bible as God’s preserved truth. As a Muslim, what is your guide? If hadiths or imams differ with the Qur’an, which would you believe? Most likely, the Qur’an is your ultimate authority. Does the Qur’an give you permission to learn from the Bible? • “Lo! We did reveal the Torah, wherein…
Should Muslims read the Gospel of Barnabas as the true story of Isa?
Evidence reveals that the Gospel of Barnabas was most likely written by a fifteenth-century European who wrote inaccurately about the life of Jesus. Beliefs about Jesus vary widely between Christians and Muslims because their sources differ. While Muslims often get their impression of Jesus from the Gospel of Barnabas, Christians trust the Gospels found in…
What is Sunni Islam?
Sunni Islam is the most prevalent denomination of Muslims worldwide. Islam, like other major religions, is defined by a set of core beliefs. Groups that maintain those beliefs can properly be called “Islamic,” even if they differ on other details. A sect that denies one or more cornerstone ideas might claim an Islamic title, but…
What is the Salafi movement in Islam?
The Salafi movement is a subset of Islam that applies Sharia Law according to a strict, originalist, and highly aggressive interpretation. Within the religion of Islam, there are several major denominations. By far, the largest of these is Sunni Islam, making up more than 75 percent of Muslims worldwide. Causing divisions within Sunni Islam are…
What is Shafi’i Islam?
Shafi’i is one of four main interpretations of Sharia Law within Sunni Islam. Depending on what surveys are used, Shafi’i is either second or third by size among Sunni Muslims, being very close in size to the Maliki school. Within Sunni Islam, all schools of law treat the Qur’an and hadith as main sources of…